Chapter 25- Breaking Point (Part One)

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Jean handed out the crisp assignment papers to each vision bearer and called out the names of whoever would be with them. Y/n rubbed her bloodshot eyes and yawned, taking the paper and wishing on every star that she had gotten more sleep.

Her conversation with Diluc hadn't helped her insomnia and she couldn't help but wonder why she was suddenly overrun with shards of the past that insisted on piecing themselves together and haunting her. She smiled a bit to herself.

At least I can still beat Kaeya. He always gets too distracted when it's me.

She looked over her list and quietly counted off each of her party members. There were a few she didn't really know, but the rest were all knights she had been working with for years.
She was suddenly distracted by a loud bang.

Bennett was standing by the cooking pots and had knocked one over.

"Do you think he'll make it?"

Y/n jumped in her seat and swore as she dropped all the papers. Lumine was perched on top of a barrel behind her, her legs pulled up to her knees and her eyes scanning the crowd.

"Archons, Lumine, please warn me before you sneak up on me like that."

"Well, that would defeat the purpose of the 'sneaking'."

"Whatever." Y/n grumbled and picked up her papers. "I'm sure Bennett will be fine, if that's what you're asking."

Lumine chewed thoughtfully on a lock of hair as she looked over the troops.
"What'll you bet Bennett gets knocked out in the first two minutes?" She asked quietly.

Y/n stopped and thought for a second.
"You know how to tempt me, that's for sure, but Jean would never hear of me placing bets on a serious battle."

Lumine shrugged, unconcerned, and jumped down from her seat. The short girl walked away with what seemed like very little care for the ongoing situation.

I guess things like this feel a lot less complicated when you've fought Archons and beaten Fatui.

Y/n went back to her paperwork and was just getting focused again when a cold hand settled on her shoulder. She jumped but quickly realized that it was Kaeya and she relaxed.

"Good morning, Cavalry Captain."

Kaeya winced like she had struck him.

"Erm, let's just stick with 'Kaeya' for today. No honorifics."

"Oh- Okay." Y/n looked at him sideways and tried to parse out what could be wrong. His hair was slightly messier than normal and there were shadows under his eyes where sleep would usually replenish them.

"Rough night?"


"Wanna talk about it?" Y/n patted the seat next to her. Kaeya looked tempted but he just shook his head.

"It's just...complicated. It's Diluc, actually. I don't really feel like discussing it."

Y/n chewed on her lip. The brother's grudge was beginning to affect far more people than them.

"Don't you think..." she swallowed hard. She had never had the courage to bring this up before.

"Don't you think this feud has gone on long enough?"

Kaeya looked sharply at her.

"Do you think I want this?"

"What? No, I just... I just think that maybe it's been long enough. Time heals, right? Isn't there a way that you could both sweep the years under the rug and move on?"

Kaeya shook his head and looked around. He took her hand and pulled her up and away to duck inside of his tent.

"If I knew..." He was slightly out of breath. "If I knew any way that I could erase all the years of heartbreak and hurt that Diluc and I have caused each other, I would. I would do it in a heartbeat. But every time we're together, I think of the way things have gone and I cannot seem to stead our ship in any other direction."

The words had been tumbling out of him like a waterfall but now his voice broke.

"I...I just wish..."

He didn't finish the sentence, just swiped a hand over his face and looked at anything but y/n.

She really had no idea what to say.


A voice called for them from across the camp.
"Y/n? Kaeya? Has anyone seen them?"

Y/n looked around the side of the tent and saw Jean stalking through the camp, her face tight with worry.

"Uh-oh." She muttered to herself.

Y/n stepped out and waved to Jean.
"We're here. What's going on?"

"Do either of you know where Diluc went?"

Kaeya looked up sharply.
"Went? He's gone?"

"Yes, I haven't seen him since we finalized all the maps this morning. I was hoping one of you would know where he was."

Kaeya just shook his head and y/n said,
"I haven't seen him either."

Jean rubbed her temple.
"Okay. Y/n, I'm sending you with Razor and Paimon to track him. I know he's used to being in his own but I'm counting on him for support in this. The last I have heard of him is that Swan saw him leaving the camp and going west."

Y/n nodded.
"Okay, I'll do my best to find him by tonight. He may just be in a weird mood, who knows."
. . .

Y/n slacked behind as Razor and Paimon sped on ahead. The wolf boy's nose was doing a fast job with the tracking and Paimon was excited to have a job.

As excited as they were, all y/n could think was'
What is going on with these brothers?

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