Chapter 10- Poor Unfortunate Boy

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Bennett was stuck in a tree. Y/n resisted the urge to laugh as he scrambled from side to side.

"Y/n, this isn't funny anymore! How do I get down?"

Y/n squinted up at him with one hand on her hip and the other shading her eyes.

"Well, maybe try the reverse of what you already did. Or just use your wind glider."

"Thanks a lot y/n. I already told you, my glider is torn. How about you, Razor. Any ideas?"

Razor was circling the tree and sniffing the air.

" meat. Your pocket."

Bennett laughed and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah I do. I guess I couldn't hide it from you forever. Want some?"

Razor nodded his head vigorously. Bennett fished a piece of jerky out of his pants pocket and tossed it down. Razor caught it in his mouth and barely chewed before swallowing.
He looked up at Bennett again.



"Then stay in tree forever."

"What? No! Razor, come on. Y/n, you're a knight. You've gotta help me."

Y/n sighed and said, "Well, I guessss I could use my vines to get you down."

Bennett slapped his forehead.
"Really y/n? Why didn't you say so earlier?"

"Because, I wanted to see if you could get down on your own. I guess you can't."

Instead of arguing Bennett just shrugged.
"I guess you're right." He held still as y/n brought her vines up and pulled him down.

He quietly dusted himself off and leaned sadly against the tree.

"Okay Bennett, what else do you need help fixing today?" Asked y/n.

He dug around in his vest and brought out a crumpled list. Each entry looked hastily written and there was a scorch mark on one corner.

-fix wind glider
-find left boot
-get sword out of ice in dragonspine
-wash blood off left knee
-return library book

"Yeesh Bennett, this is quite the list." Y/n eyes his left knee. There were scratches all over his leg and his knee was crusted over.

"Well, how did that happen?"

Bennett waved nonchalantly at the blood crusted flesh.

"Oh this is from Lisa."

"What? Lisa cut your knee?"

"No, I cut my knee while running away from Lisa."

Razor cocked his head. "Why running...from Lisa? Lisa is... nice. Gives treats."

Bennett grinned.
"I borrowed a library book."

Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Okay okay. I may have stolen it, but I was going to give it back. There was just a long line and I wanted to start adventuring as soon as possible."

It was y/n's turn to facepalm.

"Bennett... okay. Well, we'll take care of that as soon as we get you knee cleaned up."

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