Chapter 4- Girls' Day

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A few days after y/n's head started feeling better, she was called in to Jean's office and was greeted by an interesting group of people. Amber, Eula, Lumine, her traveling companion Paimon, and Noel were surrounding Kaeya as he sat at the large desk. Amber saw her come in and bounded excitedly over.

"Y/n! Finally everyone's here!"

Y/n looked over at Kaeya to see what was going on, but he just winked at her. (At least it looked like he did.)

"What's goin on her?" Y/n asked.

Amber jumped a bit in excitement.

"We're having a girls' day! A trip with just us ladies."

"Huh? We can't possibly have vacation time left with all the 'sick days' we've taken."

"Nooo silly. We've still got work to do, but we're all doing it together."

Y/n looked over to Kaeya again to ask him what was going on, but him and Noel were having a quiet side conversation. Eula stepped forward and uncrossed her arms.

"What Amber failed to mention is that there are at least six commissions for us in Dragonspine as well as a few reports of growing Fatui camps. Today Kaeya has asked us to take care of all of it in one fell swoop if possible. Hence why all of us here are knights."

"Huh? But Noel isn't-"

Amber grinned.
"She's close enough that Kaeya has elected to send her along as part of her training. So, anyway, it's a girls' trip!"


The women set out for Dragonspine while the sun was still barely up. Klee had run to meet them at the gates and begged to go with, but Eula had convinced her that it would be too dangerous for the tiny girl and that hanging out with Albedo and Sucrose all day would be more fun. Y/n was always intrigued with how patient Eula was with children.

They were soon in the adventurers camp and said "hi" to all the explorers before crossing the bridge into Dragonspine. Amber lead the pack and got y/n to help wake the group up my loudly singing old tavern songs. Eula strode placidly behind them, chatting with Paimon. Behind Eula, Noel and Lumine kept up a quiet conversation.

Lumine, or 'The Honorary Knight' was always an interesting topic to y/n. She had shown up in Mondstadt with no vision but somehow still had Anemo powers. To top that off she had saved the city from the dragon Dvalin. You would think that someone with such great accomplishments would brag about them as much as possible, but she barely spoke at all. From what y/n could tell, Lumine only spoke if absolutely necessary or if only one person was listening. In most situations she would just communicate in sign language. 

Just over the bridge, Amber called everyone to a halt.

"Ok everyone

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"Ok everyone. My goal is to get us back home in time for dinner so let's get this show on the road! Eula, you can take  Paimon and look for the two bounties we've been assigned. That shouldn't give you too much trouble, right?"

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