Chapter 29- A Haunting

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Y/n ran out of the tent, holding on to Diluc's coat. Kaeya and Jean followed close behind her. A crowd was already gathered in front of their tent, making it hard to see. Excitement hummed through the air as y/n tiptoed to see over the gathering.
A cheer went up around them and y/n roughly elbowed her way through the crowd, leaving her companions behind and eliciting cries of Hey! and Watch it! from the people around her.
She took a moment to blink in the evening light. She shaded her eyes with a hand and let out a sharp gasp.

There, outlined by the golden beams of the setting sun, was a dead man.

"Master Diluc!" The crowd set to shouting. Bennett hollered and whooped as and Razor ran a lap around the man limping towards the command tent.


He was dead. She had SEEN him die. She had witnessed his plummet from the cliff and the sickening sound that followed shortly after.
He was a ghost, a phantom come back to haunt her- she was sure of it. Maybe he could sense the guilt that she and Kaeya felt beyond the grave.
Kaeya hadn't said it directly, but she knew they had fought before Diluc's death. He must be wracked with guilt. And y/n- she should have done more, convinced him to stay.
She should have told him how she felt.

Maybe she still could. But first, if he wasn't a ghost, she was going to kill him herself.

Diluc limped closer and the crowd parted as she ran to him, cupping his face in her hands. The skin under her fingers felt warm enough, and his eyes were lively- if a little exhausted.

"You're back." Y/n whispered. She pressed a hand to his chest and he staggered back a step, coughing. Y/n looked down at her hand and saw a few specks of blood.

"You're injured! Come with me."
Y/n waved the crowd away and led Diluc to the command tent and then to the table. Kaeya ducked in quickly after them.

Y/n looked up.
"Where's Master Jean?"

"I thought it best she wait outside for now. We have some family matters to discuss." Kaeya answered.
His eyes were stony and his jaw was set in a way Y/n hadn't seen in a long time. This was wrath reserved for Diluc and Diluc alone.Kaeya drew a folded page from his vest (what y/n recognized as her written account of Diluc's death) and threw it on the table in front of Diluc. Quick as lighting he drew a large dagger from his belt and threw it with deft accuracy at the page, pinning it to the table.
He took a deep breath before saying,
"Care to explain this, dear brother?"

Diluc looked up from the table, then back and forth between Y/n and Kaeya.

"I suppose I should."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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