Chapter 26- Grave News

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Y/n didn't know how long she had lain on the ground before Godwin found her. The sky was dark and she vaguely knew that she had fallen asleep. She heard a voice calling over the rocks.

"Y/n? Y/n!" The yell sounded.

Y/n slowly peeled her cheek off of the rock it had rested on and blinked into the night. Her throat only gave a small rasp when she tried to answer and she was forced to cough before rasping a weak, "Here. I'm right here."

Godwin's face and a lantern appeared over a ridge and he jogged closer when he saw her.

"Leaf Knight! Are you well? What happened?"

Y/n shook her head and slowly wobbled to her feet.
"It's Diluc. I...I found him."

The other knight looked around him in confusion, noting Diluc's coat still draped over her.
"Did he go in ahead of you? He left you here alone to fend for yourself ?"

Y/n didn't even register his slight to her abilities as she held back a sob.
"Yes. He's gone."
Something in the way she said gone must have told Godwin that now was not the time for further interrogation.

"Come on." He said. "You've been gone for so long that almost all the units have left and come back. They're reporting to Master Jean and the Cavalry Captain right now."

Y/n took in the news and nodded slowly as she leaned on Godwin's arm for support.
"Hold the lantern high," she said. "I need to get back as soon as possible.
Shouts and laughter greeted Y/n as she walked unsteadily into the camp. Knights were patting each other on the back, some with minor injuries, but most of them whole. Barbara was submerging Bennet's arm in her healing power and the adventurer was holding onto Paimon's hand for support. Eula glanced up from cleaning her blade and shouted,
"They're back!"

The flap of the command tent flew open as Kaeya and Jean rushed out. Broad grins broke across their faces when they saw her, but y/n couldn't miss the way their eyes searched the space behind her. Godwin bowed and backed away, shuffling to the side as Kaeya's eyes snagged on the coat y/n had draped over her shoulders. His eyes searched her face and he said,
"Y/n. I'm m glad you're back. Please, join us in the command tent."

Y/n followed him in and waited for him to take a seat at the head of the map table before she turned to Jean and said,
"Master Jean, could you give us a moment alone? This is a family matter."

Her commander blinked at the blunt request and stuttered,
"I need an explanation for your absence in action.  That concerns more than just family."

Y/n threw a look to Kaeya and his jaw tightened.
"Jean. Please. I swear on my vision that we will explain, just give us a moment."

The Acting Grand Master drew a deep breath and turned on her heels.
"On your vision's honor, Calvary Captain. I'll be outside tending wounds."

When the tent flap closed behind her, Kaeya folded his hands under his chin and stared into Y/n's eyes.
"He never goes anywhere without that coat." His voice was thick with emotion.

"I know." Y/n's voice cracked. "He did this time."

"So," Kaeya said, unmistakable fries already clouding his face. "How did he do it?"

Y/n couldn't bring herself to speak about what she had witnessed but Kaeya could not be left in the dark so she asked for pen and ink. When she was done writing down what she had seen, Kaeya took the pages. He could barely keep his hands from shaking as he read.

Y/n flinched as he read the last line. She could see something break behind his eyes as he crumpled the page into a tight ball within his fist.
Kaeya rose abruptly from his chair and slammed his fist over and over again into the table and then a tent post.
"Dammit, dammit, dammit..." he whispered under his breath. He swore more and louder until his throat was hoarse.
Y/n watched him with a glassy expression as a sense of numbness fell over her. She could see Kaeya losing his much-fought for cool, and she could hear vague shouting from outside the tent, but none of it felt real anymore. She stumbled back a step and steadied herself on a tent pole.
Kaeya glanced up at the sound, noticing her glossed-over eyes and swaying form. He gripped her arm and pulled her down into a seat.

"Y/n, you're in no shape to be standing right now." He choked out.
He fussed around, gently trying to prod the coat off of her but she kept a tight grip on the last thing Diluc had given her. He gave up trying to take it and sat back on his heels.

Y/n looked down at his fist.
"You're bleeding." She said. "Go get some antiseptic and a bandage."

"Y/n," Kaeya tried to protest. A look from y/n stopped him. "Right."

He found the materials and sat quietly as y/n gently cleansed the wound and dressed it with care. She tied off the bandage with neat precision and raised his hand to her mouth, brushing her lips against his bandaged knuckles in a gentle kiss. Kaeya sighed and closed his eyes before quietly saying,

"You look like you need some wine."

"Okay." Was all y/n could say.

He stood and strode out of the tent with what may have passed as a steady gait, but y/n was left shaking at the look on his face. He was the brother who always joked, always laughed away the pain of the moment with a twinkle in his eye.
Now. his gaze was like shattered ice.

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