New chapter! Read it!
——————————————————————Ichigo's POV
Tomorrow's the first round of the Vytal Festival Tournament and it's Ichigo's job to make sure everyone's prepared. Glynda's arena wasn't big enough for a full-class spar to simulate a chaotic battlefield, so he moved the class to outside.
Ichigo: "Everyone needs to be combat ready..." he says as he watches his students spar, what he said making him think of something that happened earlier. "That girl was weird, and her Aura was too..."
Of course, he's referring to someone that Ruby had introduced him to earlier, a girl named Penny Polendina. She seems nice for the most part, but also somewhat weird. Not only does her Aura feel different than everyone else's, but her mannerisms are like a curious alien's who wants to learn everything there is about Earth culture. She says she's combat ready, but Ichigo couldn't tell how experienced in battle she was.
Ichigo: "And she's not even the weirdest part of this week."
That honor would go to the mystery woman he saved during his mission. According to that Qrow guy, her name's Summer Rose and she's Ruby's mom, as well as Yang's stepmom. He said that she disappeared years ago on a mission and that she was presumed dead. Looks like they made a mistake with that.
Summer's Hospital RoomDue to the severity of her wounds and the drugs already present in her system, the hospital has given her a few things to speed up her recovery while also counteracting the drugs. Some of the drugs are making her agreeable, but she still can't remember what happened to her prior to not long before Ichigo found her.
Qrow: "So you don't remember anything?"
Summer: "No." she denies. "I don't remember anything."
Ozpin had sent the police earlier to ask her some questions. It's not every day that a missing person is found alive, but Ozpin's motives seem far from pure. Even if she's somewhat agreeable, anyone would be testy after being asked the same things over and over.
Qrow: "Right... you have amnesia." He drinks from his flask.
Ichigo: "She's been given the third-degree by everyone else today, let her rest."
That Qrow guy showed up almost randomly, asking both him and her questions. Something about being concerned for her and trying to get her to remember who she is. Ichigo thinks that's only partially true at most and that he's really spying for Ozpin.
Qrow: "Right, right. Sorry about that Summer."
Summer: "Summer... You keep saying that's my name, but I don't remember anything from before..." She cuts herself off. "...from before you found me, Ichigo, was it?"
Ichigo: "Yeah. I found you far to the south. I brought you here cause it looked like you were in trouble."
Summer: "Thank you, Ichigo."
There's something she's not telling either of them, possibly because she doesn't think she can trust them. Considering her wounds and the drugs combined with her attitude, she probably remembers the torture. Hell, it was likely the torture that caused her condition in the first place. She probably only survived her encounter with the Grimm up until he got there due to her body's reflexes from being a battle-hardened Huntress, at least, according to Qrow.
Ichigo: "Of course. You need your rest, but I'll be back tomorrow, okay?"
Summer: "I'd like that." she positively responds.

The Mysterious Hunter (Bleach x RWBY)
FanfictionAfter the intense battle with Aizen, Ichigo finds himself cast adrift in the Garganta, the space between Earth and the Hollow Realm, Hueco Mundo. He eventually reaches another world, completely different from his own. What will he find in this remna...