XII. It's... Complicated

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So here it is! The first chapter that is all me! This is by far the longest chapter I've ever written for a book, about 10k words! I probably could've chopped it into 2-3 chapters, but 2-3 for the price of one! Besides, all of this needs to be out of the way anyway, so... strap in!

3rd Person POV

Team RWBY had just finished clearing the train full of stolen technology, the White Fang, and Roman Torchwick. The entire time, this train had been creating openings for the Grimm to enter, but the tunnels are sealed... right?"

Ruby: "Weiss! Ice!"

Weiss stabs her rapier into the top of the train, creating a shield of ice, encompassing the entirety of Team RWBY.


The train crashes directly into the barrier sealing off the tunnel from the city of Vale, creating a huge breach in the middle of the city. Grimm start overflowing throughout and fairly soon, the city square is overrun. Nobody on Team RWBY is fully conscious yet, as the crash, even with the damage lessened by Weiss's shield and their Auras, was still rough. Ruby's the first to snap out of it, fully regaining her senses, and then surveying the area.

Ruby: "Everyone, get up!" she instructs her team. "We've got to protect the city!"

Team RWBY shakes off the probable concussions they each received and jump into action, taking out Grimm one by one. Ruby digs her scythe into the ground and starts kicking a bunch of Beowolves back, making them fall over. Yang jumps onto a Creep and uses it as a springboard, shooting multiple cartridges from her gauntlets at multiple Grimm. Three Nevermores come up from behind her as she's flying through the air and flock her in a frenzy, knocking her to the ground. Blake blocks a Beowolf Alphas claw strike and cuts its head. As it's stunned, her katana changes to its gun form and she shoots a group of Creeps trying to circle her. Weiss cuts through Beowolves and Ursai one by one, using her ice Dust to take down three of them with a wave of ice particles.


Nora comes in like a wrecking ball and smashes her hammer on top of a King Taijitu that's in the horde of Grimm standing before them. She's almost instantly joined by the rest of Team JNPR, who must have heard the sirens and came to help.

Jaune: "Ruby, any suggestions?" he asks his fellow team leader from across the field of battle.

Ruby: "Yeah, protect the town and defeat the Grimm!" she replies in earnest.

Jaune (thoughts): 'Yeah, 'bout what I expected her to say.'

Cinder's POV

Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury go to the airship pad and listen to the sirens.

Emerald: "You don't think..." she questions.

Mercury: "Sure looks like it."

Emerald: "But that's still days away!"

Mercury: "So, what do we do?" he asks Cinder.

Cinder glares into the distance, thinking about how she's going to punish Torchwick for his ineptitude. Emerald was right. This operation was still a few days away. Instead, he blew his payload early and now it's up to her to clean up his mess.

Cinder: "This is why I don't like working with amateurs."

Mercury: "Hey Cinder, question."

Cinder: "You're wondering about that thing we felt at the castle, aren't you?"

Mercury: "If it is a Grimm, think it'll come to this? I mean, there's a whooole lot of panic down there."

The villainess thinks about this. If it was a Grimm, there's a chance that it'll arrive at the scene. After all, an attack like this in the middle of the city would invite such a creature to at least investigate, if not take part. Cinder's lips part as they go into a small smile.

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