XI. Some Truth Behind the Madness

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Since a lot of people seemed to really want this next chapter, I'm updating this even though it's not the next story of mine to be updated. Hope you enjoy!

Ichigo's POV
After the Sudden Conclusion

Glynda: "Ichigo, I know I'm going into your personal history, but please, you need to tell me." she says softly.

She releases Ichigo, looking into his eyes with nothing but kindness and understanding in hers.

Ichigo: "OK! HOLD ON! Why in the HELL do you think I was a woman!? And secondly, WHY THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN MATTER!? I AM A GUY, ALRIGHT!? A GUY!" he practically yells as he stands up from his chair, pointing to himself.

Glynda: "Ichigo, you don't have to lie to me. I am your professor. I won't tell anyone."

The softness in her voice despite being yelled at tells Ichigo that she wholly believes this, but he's too shocked to really care or acknowledge it.

Ichigo: "And I ask again, why does that even matter!?" he calms down a bit.

Glynda: "I-I know you must think that I'm invading your personal space by asking this, but please understand that this is very important."

Ichigo: "For the love of- I AM NOT A WOMAN AND I NEVER WAS!"

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Seriously, how the hell do I make people think this!? Can't I just get a regular goddamn day without some crazy shit happening!?'

He sees Glynda merely look at him before she opens her mouth once again.

Glynda: "Ichigo, do you have powers not normal to regular Huntsmen?" she asks as she watches him carefully. Very carefully.

He froze. How did she know!? Did he leave evidence!? No, she must be speculating. She can't have figured it out. Calm down. Stop shaking. She can't know...

Ichigo: "W-What are you talking about? Of course I don't. Well, besides the Dust-"

Glynda: "Stop lying." she interrupts sternly. "I can tell by your hesitant response and your shaking. It was subtle, but I could tell."

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Well, shit... So much for that. Great Ichigo, she caught you. She was probably just making up that woman shit just to get you riled up and make a mistake.'

Ichigo: "What? I told you-"

Glynda: "Stop lying." she repeats. "I already caught you."

Ichigo: "I have-"

She merely narrows her eyes dangerous as she holds her grip tighter.

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Shit! I fucked up! I couldn't just stop fucking shaking, could I? Ugh, I didn't think I would get caught this fuckin early either! Think of something!'

He turns back towards Vale, barely glancing over at her.

Ichigo: "*sigh* You wouldn't believe me."

Her tough exterior from catching him immediately softens and she walks over to him, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Glynda: "Ichigo, I-I'm sorry, but... I need to know."

He stays quiet for a few seconds before breaking the silence.

Ichigo: "I'm guessing Ozpin also wants to know." he asks solemnly.

Glynda: "Yes." she confirms.

Ichigo: "Listen, can we talk about it after we complete the mission? It's just-"

Glynda: "Of course." she replies with a tone of understanding.

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