XXI. Bait and Switch

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Yoruichi's POV

Ozpin's office is always sort of a drag. There's nothing fun about it. Yoruichi isn't an interior decorator or anything, but even she could do something better than this.

Ozpin looks up from his desk and sees Yoruichi coming from the elevator, putting down his pen and pushing his paperwork aside.

Ozpin: "Miss Shihōin, this is a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here. Is there something I can help you with?"

Yoruichi: "Yes, Headmaster. I wanted to inquire about you forbidding Ichigo from telling Ruby and Yang about their mother."

Ozpin: "He told you about that?"

Yoruichi: "He came to me for advice on the matter."

He was quite worried about it, in fact. Normally he wouldn't be, but he was worried, not for his own sake, but for everybody who came to this world to find him.

Ozpin: "I see..." He puts his mug down and cross his hands in front of his face. "I'll tell you the same thing I told him: It's too dangerous for-"

Yoruichi: "You and I both know that's not true." she interrupts. "If it were, you'd have Summer Rose under much heavier guard, not that that would stop Ichigo." She eyes a chair against the wall and brings it over, sitting down right in front of Ozpin. "You wouldn't risk losing Ichigo's trust like that without a proper reason. He's too powerful for you to take a gamble like that unnecessarily."

They stare each other down for a solid ten seconds, neither of them saying anything. Yoruichi's catty smile hasn't disappeared in the slightest, knowing she's right about this. Ozpin's body language indicates he's trying to keep his cool, but is internally questioning how she knows so much.

Yoruichi (thoughts): 'I see. That's what's going on.'

Ozpin: "Miss Shihōin, I don't know where you got the idea of my reasoning being a lie, but I assure you-"

Yoruichi: "You were testing him." she interrupts again. "But you have nothing to worry about. Ichigo's happy here, even if that permanent scowl on his face says otherwise. Heh, for as long as I've known him, he's been like that..." Her fond memories of how hard he tries at everything and how sincere he is come to mind. "The thing is that he's both completely honest and totally clueless about his feelings. He'll tell you exactly what he's fighting for, but keep everything else to himself."

He relaxes a little bit, but is still guarded, as if he's beginning to accept Yoruichi's conclusion of Ichigo.

Ozpin: "Why is that?"

Yoruichi: "Who knows?" she muses. "It probably has to deal with his family situation. He had to become responsible at a young age, especially after his mother's death. Add his strength and battle prowess and he just doesn't have the time for emotions. But seeing him here, being able to slow down like this... It's good for him. Thank you for doing that for him."

She gets up from her chair and bows to him as a sign of respect. Every word she just spoke is the truth as she sees it. Even if she doesn't mention his sisters or father, it would still be true that Ichigo had to become responsible for them and also when his powers awakened. Ever since Rukia transferred her powers to him, he hasn't had much time to actually rest, between invading the Soul Society, training with the Visored, invading Hueco Mundo, and then defeating Aizen. That's not even mentioning all the 'filler' that happened in between those major events. This is good for him and Yoruichi, with how she feels towards him, is grateful that he can finally get the break he deserves.

Yoruichi: "He's a man, a very good man, but nobody should have that responsibility forced upon them. I'm sorry for my part in that, Ichigo..." she apologizes while he's not even there.

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