II. The Implications of His Situation

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Ichigo: "Alright, let's see if there's a town nearby." He jumps up high in the air to try to get some indication of civilization. "Hmm... Can't see anything. It doesn't really matter anyway since I'm in Soul Reaper form and people can't see me. Not like I can ask for directions or where I am. Damn it, might as well start heading off in a random direction and hope for the best. At least I've got sunlight now." He says as starts flying off in a random direction.

A couple of minutes later

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Shit! Still nothing! Where the hell am I!? Seri- '

He's cut off when he hears something growling below him. Ichigo stops flying and looks below him.

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Great, more Hollows. Let's get this over- 'Ichigo stops mid-sentence when he notices something. '...What the hell!? These freaking Hollows don't have any spirit energy. That's... weird. Maybe these are some new type of Hollows Aizen made. Either that or they're ridiculously strong, so strong that the Hollows are able to prevent me from sensing them. Hopefully, it's the first one or else I might be in big trouble.' He descends and grabs Zangetsu for the upcoming fight. 'Well, I didn't think Hollow had red eyes like these do. Let's see how they fight.'

Ichigo lands on the ground and lets the group of three bear-like 'Hollows' approach him. One of the 'Hollows' tries to thrust its claws in his chest, but Ichigo easily side stepped. When he does, he grabs its arm and rips it off.

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Holy. Shit. My physical strength is way higher... Hmm... Let's see if my spirit energy changed.'

He Flash Steps away from the pack of 'Hollows' a little way and prepares to fire a nameless Getsuga Tenshou. He swings his sword horizontally and fire his attack. Ichigo's easily shocked from the results. He hears an explosion and the Getsuga devoured everything in its path, creating a humongous mushroom cloud, leaving nothing left in its wake.

Ichigo: "That attack wasn't even a fully charged Getsuga! But it destroyed everything in its path! It left damage comparable to a fully charged and called Getsuga Tenshou with my Hollow Mask! There aren't even trees left, just scorch marks. Those weird Hollows aren't there anymore either. Must've gotten destroyed along with a portion of the forest it seems. Sorry environments." Ichigo holsters Zangetsu on his back and rewraps in the cloth. "Well, more wood walking I guess."

A Couple of Hours Later

Ichigo: "Ugh! There's nothing! Why!?"

He feels a weird type of spiritual pressure near him, to his left. He puts his hand on his sword in preparation.

Ichigo: "I know you're there. Come on out." He says to his surroundings.

A tall black-haired woman with red eyes comes out of the trees with her hand on her sword. She actually somewhat looks like how Ichigo does now. Must be a coincidence.

Black-Haired Woman: "My, what do we have here? A lone wanderer walking through the woods?"

Ichigo: "Who are you?"

Black-Haired: "I should be asking you that, but I'll give you the courtesy. My name is Raven. Might I know your name?"

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Hmm... I should keep on my guard. It might be due to her weird spirit energy, but she can see me. Maybe she could give me directions.'

Ichigo: "I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." He takes his hand off his sword and she does the same.

Raven's POV

Raven (thoughts): 'What. The. FUCK!? Did I have a... WAIT, DID QROW!?"

Ichigo: "Umm... hello?"

Raven (thoughts): '...he did sleep around a lot... and I mean A LOT! Shit, I should ask some of the girls in camp if this kid's any of theirs that I just didn't know about. My brother is such a man-whore. Then again, this kid could just look like us. It's not like we're the only people with red eyes and black hair in the world.'

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