X. Umm... What?

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On the Way to Ozpin's Office

Ichigo: "So, where are we going?" Ichigo asks Ozpin as they navigate the halls of Beacon.

Ozpin: "To my office."

Ichigo: "Okay... Why are we going there?"

Ozpin: "In due time, Ichigo." he says mysteriously.

Ichigo (thoughts): '*sigh* He obviously won't tell me why for whatever reason, so might as well drop it for now.'

Ichigo: "Well, what were you talking about with Team RWBY?"

Ozpin: "Ah, well, Team RWBY wanted to partake in a mission that wasn't for first-year students. Since they display higher skill and drive than regular first-year students, I thought I'd let them participate anyway. I'm confident that they're skilled enough to handle a higher difficulty mission than normal first-years."

Ichigo: "And which Huntsman or Huntress went with them?" he asks out of curiosity.

Ozpin: "Dr. Oobleck." he answers.




Ichigo (thought): 'They could have it worse.'

Ichigo didn't hate Oobleck, but she can be a little hard to understand, not to mention she was kind of stubborn...


Ichigo: "Umm... Professor Oobl-"

Dr. Oobleck: "It's Dr.!" she corrects.

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Alright. Guess I won't tell her that she's spilling coffee on her shirt.'

(A/N Isn't female Oobleck hot?)

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(A/N Isn't female Oobleck hot?)

Back to Present

In his opinion, she was much better than Professor Port. Like with Oobleck, he's not a bad person. His lessons are just... hard to get through.

Ichigo (thoughts): 'If I'm going on a mission, please don't let it be with him.'

3rd Person POV

Winter's cut off from her thoughts when the elevator doors open and Ozpin and Ichigo walk in.

Ichigo had really no idea what to expect, so he was surprised to see someone who looked extremely similar to Weiss. Same hair color, same eye color. Really, the only differences between them was that this woman's face was slightly more filled out, she's taller, and she overall seems more developed and disciplined.

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Must be a relative. Not many people have white hair. Heh, says the guy that used to have orange hair.'

Not really sure what he was doing here, he decided to stand next to the General and the Weiss look-a-like while Glynda stood next to the elevator.

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