Ichigo's POV
Ichigo: "Alright everyone, listen up."
He's talking to everyone from his own world. When he stormed out before, Rukia had called everyone here to the dorm since it looked like something was going to happen. When they each felt Ichigo's spiritual pressure from when he broke through to the basement, they knew it was serious. As soon as Ichigo and Orihime entered, Rukia put up her Kido barriers to prevent anyone unwanted from listening in.
Ichigo: "There's something I need to tell you all. A few days ago, Ozpin told me something about this world. In this world, Magic is real. Not just Aura, but actual magic, like what you'd see in a video game or read in a fantasy novel."
Sui-Feng: "This entire world is like a fantasy novel."
Rukia: "Fantasy combined with sci-fi, perhaps."
Ichigo: "Neither of you are wrong, but back on topic. Magic is real, but only for a select few people. Apparently, there's only a handful that can use it. Of this small group, there's a group of four called the Four Maidens. They're completely hidden from the public now, but they apparently used to be well known."
Kukaku: "Totally original name." she sarcastically remarks.
Ichigo: "According to Ozpin, the magic here works differently than what you may have seen or read. For these four specifically, whenever one of these Maidens dies, their power gets transferred to the next host. They said the power 'chooses' based on the Maiden's choice, though it's not always... voluntary."
Nemu: "Whatever could you mean?"
Ichigo: "The choice is always whoever is in the Maiden's last thoughts, that is, if the person chosen is a young woman. If not, it's random. Which brings me why I'm telling you this now: One of these Maidens was attacked and part of her power was stolen. It wasn't transferred like it normally would be, but rather, it was taken forcefully from her. She's still alive, but living on borrowed time."
Mila: "What does have to do with us? Does Ozpin want us to protect her until they find a suitable candidate to inherit her powers?"
Ichigo: "Yes and no. You see, according to them, her powers cannot be transferred naturally. Part of the power was stolen, but she still has about half. This power is apparently bound to her Aura, and they want to-"
Tier: "To transfer that poor girl's Aura to one of us, is that correct?"
He looks downward, remembering what happened.
Ichigo: "...earlier, he explained all of this to Pyrrha and Orihime, asking one of them to take in the Fall Maiden's Aura to gain her power. When I found out what was happening, I went to the spot above when the Fall Maiden's body is, channeled my spiritual pressure into the ground, and created a hole big enough to me to fall through. When I realized what they wanted to do with them, I got angry. What they want to do is wrong... but it's what they feel is their only choice." He looks back up. "Well, on the plus side, I think I only pissed off Ironwood, so it's not like I made their opinions of me worse."
Yoruichi: "It's not like you cared much about that in the first place. I mean, aside from wanting them to trust us enough to stay here."
That assessment makes Ichigo chuckle a little, putting his hand on his face.
Ichigo: "Yeah. I guess you're right about that." He looks back at everyone. "Well, I just wanted you guys to know, especially since you all felt my spiritual pressure. There's not anything major going on, just me getting pissed at Ozpin. And any information we have, we share with each other, alright? It'll do us no good to keep secrets from one another as long as we're here."

The Mysterious Hunter (Bleach x RWBY)
FanfictionAfter the intense battle with Aizen, Ichigo finds himself cast adrift in the Garganta, the space between Earth and the Hollow Realm, Hueco Mundo. He eventually reaches another world, completely different from his own. What will he find in this remna...