XXX. Quest

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Yay! New chapter time!


Ichigo's POV

The day has finally arrived. It's finally time to start looking for the Hogyoku. Ichigo's finally out of the office. The past few days have consisted of going through report after report of various incidents in not only the part of Sanus that Vale has jurisdiction over, but the entire world.

There were several reports from Vale and Atlas, but not as many from Mistral or Vacuo. When Ichigo brought that up to Ozpin, he explained that Theodore, the headmaster of Shade in Vacuo, hadn't had time to put together such reports and that he just sent Ozpin all currently available jobs. When Ichigo asked about Mistral, he said that Headmaster Lionheart had put together a list and sent it Ozpin's way, but the number of jobs did seem suspiciously low for the size of the continent that Mistral's responsible for.

Maybe the villages of Anima tend to take matters into their own hands and don't report them to Mistral proper?

Oh well, none of that is really important right now. The mission that Ichigo's going on should be a quick and simple one in the middle of Eastern Sanus, about halfway between Vale and the coast to the southeast. There are reports of Grimm that nobody's supposedly seen before. There's are soldiers in the area who are claiming that the beast is behaving much different than anything they've ever seen before. This is likely a case of a Grimm being enhanced by the Hogyoku. Even if it's not, it's a mission that Ichigo's getting paid for. It's a win-win.

Yoruichi: "You got everything?"

The perverted cat asks Ichigo that while leaning against the door of their shared dorm room. You'd think that being a teacher would afford Ichigo his own room, but no.

Ichigo: "Almost." he answers. "I'm going to make a stop before I leave and get some lunch."

Yoruichi: "Don't forget snacks to eat while you're there."

Ichigo: "I don't-"

Yoruichi: "I think I heard Ruby say once, 'never underestimate the power of snacks'. I happen to agree with her on that."

Yoruichi taking advice from Ruby? Well... Maybe he could get something for the road. Or in case there aren't any restaurants in this village he's going to. He has no idea on the size of the place or any amenities, only the location, so he's better safe than sorry. After all, he could be heading to the Remnant equivalent to a village in the Japanese countryside, where the most touristy shop is a candy store.

Ichigo: "Whatever. Might as well..."

Yoruichi: "Yeah, yeah. Just be careful. You know how dangerous the Hogyoku is, and while I have every confidence in you, there's no need to risk it."

Is she... concerned? That's a first. Ichigo's not sure what to say to that.

Ichigo: "Y-Yeah... Whatever..." He turns away from her. "I'll be going, now."

Yoruichi: "Have a good hunt!"

He half-heartedly acknowledges her as he steps out of the dorm room. When he gets outside, he instantly Flash Steps to Vale's shopping district to get some supplies. There's no need to waste time, not when he's got a long day ahead of him.

After some searching, Ichigo comes across a shop with supplies for traveling Hunters. It's mostly instant food, water bottles, a small selection of Dust rounds, maps across the continent, survival gear, and other things like that; things that can put inside a backpack for long travel. Oh, and they sell backpacks for long travel too.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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