V. School

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3rd Person POV
At the cliff

After arriving back at the start, Ichigo hands the relic to Ozpin, who looks satisfied.

Ozpin: "Nice work Ichigo. You pass with flying colors."

Ichigo: "Thanks Oz. So am I going to be on a team or not?"

Ozpin: "Actually, I have a proposition for you. Since you have displayed that amount of skill at such a young age, I was thinking that you could be on a one man team."

Ozpin (thoughts): 'Glynda is not going to like this idea...' he thinks and shudders internally.

Ichigo: "So, I'll just get a dorm room to myself, that the case?"

Ozpin: "Indeed you will."

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Hmm... I never really worked on a team, so this is probably for the best. I invaded the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo with the others, but we pretty much went our separate ways when fighting. We just focused on improving ourselves and not teamwork. It would be nice to have backup, but then again, if I have to use Bankai, my teammates would start asking questions. I also don't really want to get too attached to this place. Then again, if I do, I could just take the Dangai. Yeah, it's for the best if I stayed by myself.' he concludes mentally.

Ichigo: "Sure, I'll take you up on that."

Ozpin looks pleased.

Ozpin: "Excellent. Follow me and I will show you to your room."

The pair heads off in the direction of the school and talk on the way.

Ozpin: "So Ichigo, would you care to indulge your headmaster and tell me what that blue attack was?"

Ichigo: "Ah... That was my Dust attack." he lies.

Ozpin: "Interesting. I've been a Huntsman for many years and I don't believe I've seen an attack quite like that before. The things people come up with."

Ichigo: "Yeah, a friend of mine taught me how. He said it was a technique unique to him." Ichigo says as he remembers Zangetsu teaching him.

Ozpin (thoughts): 'That move of his was extremely destructive. It could easily destroy a large portion of Vale. While I do not believe he'd do that, I should still keep an eye on him.'

After a while, Ichigo and Ozpin arrive at the dorm room.

Ozpin: "This is your room. If you ever need help with anything, ask Team RWBY or JNPR. Team RWBY is just to your right and JNPR is across from them. Classes start tomorrow. I will send you your school outfit and schedule later in the day. By any chance, do you have a scroll?" he asks.

Ichigo: "No, I don't, actually."

Ozpin: "Then I will send you one of those as well." He says as he takes a sip of his hot chocolate. "I would help you more, but I have to file your paperwork and meet an old friend. I wish you a good day, Ichigo." He states as he walks away.

Ichigo: "Alright then. See ya Oz."

He enters the dorm room and closes the door, looking around. He sees the basics: a table, window, wall shelf, a bathroom with the essentials, and a bed. Not only did he have one bed, but three extras.

Ichigo: "Well, at least I have this room all to myself. Guess I should shower."

After his shower

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Shit, now what do I do?' he thinks as he steps out of the shower, drying his hair. 'Still have a couple of hours before nightfall. I should probably take a look around the school.'

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