XXIII. Challenges

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Yang's POV

Outside Beacon's cafeteria, Yang joins Team JNPR, Blake, Nemu, and Rukia, who are relaxing outside. JNPR won their match earlier after Jaune got exasperated and just told Nora to finish it with her hammer. At the moment though, Nora's currently attempting to get Nemu to budge by trying to wrestle her to the ground. This weird girl, however, isn't allowing herself to move an inch, even as Nora struggles. What is she...?

Female Student: "Professor Kurosaki was so hot!"

The mention of Ichigo's name causes Yang to turn her head towards the source. A team of girls from Haven are passing by, talking loudly amongst themselves.

Haven Girl: "He didn't even break a sweat breaking up that fight!"

Another Female Student: "I wonder if he's seeing anyone? He's our age, right?"

Overhearing this, Yang wants to find out what's up.

Jaune: "What's going on? They're talking about Ichigo."

Yang: "I'll ask." She turns back towards the girls, who are walking by. "Hey! You guys!"

They pause and turn to look at Yang, who's waving her arm at them. Yang wants to know what's going on.

Haven Girl: "Yes? Can we help you?" she asks as her and her team walk up.

Yang: "Yeah, I overheard you guys talking. Did something happen with Ichi- I mean, with Professor Kurosaki?"

Even with them being awkward, having been revealed that they're cousins and all, Yang still cares about him. If something's happened, she wants to know.

Rukia: "What did he do this time?"

Apparently, Rukia knows him well enough that he gets into shenanigans frequently, so her tone isn't misplaced.

Female Student: "This lady from Atlas and this drunk old dude were having a huge fight! They were all over the place!"

Haven Girl: "Yeah! But Professor Kurosaki stopped them in their tracks with just one arm!"

Other Female Student: "And then when he scolded them, I felt like I was about to explode! He is so MANLY!"

Nemu: "Ichigo is a very powerful and attractive male specimen. He-"

Yang: "Wait... A drunk old dude got into a fight!? Did they say what his name was!?"

No. Just no. This just- No.

Female Student: "I think Professor Kurosaki said something like 'NOT IN THE MOOD, CROW!' So maybe his nickname is Crow or something? Honestly, the way Professor Kurosaki takes no bull and has the strength to back it up..."

She blushes hard while all the color drains from Yang's face. 'Crow' isn't a nickname... That's her Uncle Qrow! He got into a fight with someone from Atlas!?

Yang: "T-That drunk! What has he gotten himself into now!?"

Ren: "Didn't you blow up a nightclub?" he accurately asks.





Nora: "Boy, are YOU two alike!"

3rd Person POV

Ichigo: "Need I remind you of where you were!? What were you THINKING goading Winter into a fight there!? And I get that she's a little stuck up, but she's part of the military! It's her job to act that way! That doesn't mean you get to take out your frustration on her!"

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