XVI. Schooling and Celebration

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Ruby's POV

Class was supposed to be productive. Dr. Oobleck usually made sure students would learn no matter what. Class was supposed to be exciting. Professor Port always tries to make learning about different types of Grimm more than what textbooks provide. Combat training was usually fun. Professor Goodwitch let them loose against the others... mostly. But this...

Glynda: "Mr. Kurosaki!" Glynda yells. "You cannot be serious! A person's Aura-"

Ichigo: "Can make them weak. In the real world, you cannot always rely on your Aura to protect you."

Ichigo, or rather, Professor Kurosaki, said that he wanted to train everyone without them using their Aura. Aura acts as a shield against your enemies. It's what enables your Semblance.

Ruby: "I can't imagine fighting without my Aura..."

Ichigo points to Ruby without looking at her.

Ichigo: "Exactly, Ruby."

Ruby: "EEP!"

Ichigo must have overheard her. Oh no. Did she say something wrong? Or something right? Either way, everyone's looking at her and she's super embarrassed.

Glynda: "Right about what, Mr. Kurosaki?"

Instead of just Glynda, Ichigo addresses the entire class.

Ichigo: "Ruby just said that she can't imagine fighting without her Aura. I imagine most of you feel the same. The thing is that up until now, you've all trained here until your Aura broke, at which point, the match was called. However, out there, the Creatures of Grimm or even other people aren't going to stop just because you no longer have your protection. If anything, they'll use whatever sense they have and go after you even more. That's when you're at your most vulnerable and that's what I want to work on. I want to train you guys to not rely on your Aura for everything, to not give up if that fails."

Glynda: "But Mr. Kurosaki-"

Ichigo: "Glynda." He calmly addresses her. "I don't want to see anyone in this room die. Beaten to a bloody pulp? Some of them." He looks at Cardin's team as Cardin himself is still in the hospital. "But not die. This Academy is about preparing them for their lives as Huntsmen, right? From what I've seen so far, you're sorely lacking in what I've been talking about, what to do when you're vulnerable. And the way I see it, you're at your most vulnerable when you can't rely on defense."

Half the girls in the room swoon at Ichigo's brave declarations, including Ruby, at least, partially. He's completely right. Everyone relies on their Aura to protect them. What would they do if they didn't have their Auras or their Semblances?

Ichigo: "I'd like to teach them at least what to do in that situation."

Glynda: "...very well, Mr. Kurosaki." Ichigo raises an eyebrow. "*sigh* Fine. Professor Kurosaki, you may teach the class as you see fit."

Ichigo: "Thanks, Glynda." Her head emits steam as her anger boils. "Alright, now that we've got that out of the way, since you were kind enough to share your thoughts, Ruby, if you're in a combat situation and your Aura breaks, what do you do?"

Ruby (thoughts): 'W-What? He's asking me!? I don't know! Ask Weiss or something!'

Ruby: "I umm..."

Luckily, said Weiss raises her hand.

Weiss: "You try and get away from your attacker, obviously."

He gains a sinister grin, as if that's what he wanted her to say.

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