VII. The Dance

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Ichigo had just arrived and was immediately greeted by Yang. She asks him to go hang out with Ruby and Weiss and that she would be there in a bit after she's done with greeting at the door.

Ruby: "Ichigo!" He was startled at the small girl suddenly appearing beside her, along with Weiss. "I didn't see you enter. Someone ask you?"

Ichigo: "Yang asked me to come. I wasn't sure if I was able to come, but Ozpin let me borrow a suit so I could."

Ruby: "Oh! So Yang asked... Wait. Ozpin lent you that suit!?" she asks, clearly surprised.

Ichigo guessed that Weiss was also surprised due to her awestruck expression.

Ichigo: "Yeah, he did."

Weiss: "Really?" she asked, not sure whether or not to believe him.

Ichigo: "I know, I know. It sounds like a lie, but I'm telling the truth."

Ruby was about to say something, but she noticed Yang approaching them.


Ichigo didn't really know why they chose to befriend him. It all started after the initiation. Ichigo would sit at an empty table and hoped nobody sat with him. Those hopes were dashed. Team RWBY would ALWAYS sit with him. It confused him. "Why did they sit with me? Why not their other friends?" These questions plagued Ichigo. Blake was really the only one who questioned why they sat with him, but she just chalked it up to Ruby wanting to find a new friend, Weiss wanting to find out about his abilities, and Yang not really caring, so she just went with it. Eventually, she even warmed up to him and became a friend of his. But with Team RWBY came Team JNPR, since they always sat together. They also became quick friends. Pyrrha, finding out he didn't know her, especially took a liking to him. Ichigo was confused until Weiss elaborated about her fame of being a four-time winning champion and also being a cereal mascot. Ichigo didn't really care about any of that fame though. Pyrrha concluded that Ichigo was another precious friend. He truly wondered just why they befriended him. He didn't hate them. Far from it. Ichigo enjoyed their company. He was just worried that if he found a way to his world, he'd never see them. Even if he could use the Dangai, time flows different here.

So Ichigo decided to just have lunch in the forest or anywhere Teams RWBY or JNPR couldn't find him. After a few days he decided to eat at the cafeteria again and hope they forgot about him. It didn't work. In fact, it backfired. Instead of them forgetting about him, they went berserk looking for him the day he wasn't there. Mostly Ruby and Yang went berserk. And so, when they spotted him again, they never left him out of their sight. Teams RWBY and JNPR would ask where he was and he would just tell a simple lie about him just skipping lunch and practicing his swordsmanship in a secluded area.

Ruby/Yang: "It's never good to skip lunch. It's good for you." they scolded.

So, Ichigo just gave up and hung out with them. He hoped it was the right decision.

Back to Present

Ichigo kept reminiscing until Yang appeared beside them.

Yang: "Told you she would come."

He looked at them and saw they were looking at Blake. He noticed, during the passing days, that she was wearing herself down. He decided not to intervene since her friends were already telling her that.

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Looks like they got her out of that self-destructive state.'

Weiss: "Mission accomplished." she declares with a smile on her face.

Ruby: "So... What do we do now?"

Yang: "Have fun." she simply replies as she and Weiss walk away.

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