IV. Initiation

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Day of Initiation

Ichigo was nervous. Both about going to school and about the initiation. He arrived in this world not even a week ago and yet he was about to take an initiation to enter a school that teaches things that he probably has no idea about. That may complicate things. And so, Ichigo's spent those two days just researching even more. He woke up early, found the public library, and read. Even with this prep, he was still nervous about scoring terribly. However, since this was a combat school, he hoped there was some kind of physical test. He would be able to school pretty well, if not perfect, on any physical test. If there even was one. If not, then he just hoped that all his researching paid off on the written portion.

How wrong he was. Currently, Ichigo is on an airship that will take him to Beacon. A hologram of Glynda appears towards the front of the airship.

Glynda: "Hello Ichigo, and welcome to Beacon. As you know, my name is Glynda Goodwitch. You have been chosen to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace and as a future Huntsman, it is your duty to uphold it. Professor Ozpin and I will be waiting at the entrance of the school. From there, we will take you to the area where your initiation will be conducted. We wish you the best of luck." The hologram disappears.

It hadn't occurred to him, but the more she talks to him, the more familiar she gets. Like her name for instance.

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Glynda... Where have I heard that name before? I swear I have- OH SHIT! I REMEMBER NOW! It was the name of that little girl I saved...! Wait... If that's the same girl I saved, then... I've been to this world before!? No, no, no, it's probably just a coincidence. Not a lot of people have green eyes like the little girl... Shit, that lady had green eyes. Ok, don't panic Ichigo. Fuck, could it just be another person named Glynda who also has green eyes? No, that's way too convenient for my life! Ok. Just think. I was invading the Soul Society when I tripped and landed in the World of the Living. Or so I thought. I never did investigate the area. I just assumed that I landed in the World of the Living, but there was a door that led back to the Dangai. But I landed in here through the Garganta instead of the Dangai. Maybe it works differently? If you fall in the Garganta, it's a one-way trip here. No coming back. Maybe... I'm not sure, agh! But then again, I accidently came here twice. The second time I saved a girl with blonde hair and a girl with a red hood. Kinda like the people back in the... SHIT! THERE WAS A GIRL WEARING A HOOD AND A BLONDE GIRL WITH PURPLE EYES, JUST LIKE THE KIDS I SAVED! Then that means that they are the same? But... that means that time here is way different! Great. Just fucking fantastic. Thank god Glynda didn't recognize me. Hopefully the other two don't either. It could be disastrous if they somehow recognize me. I'll just say she's crazy. How could I look like the guy who rescued you all those years ago? Wouldn't I age? Didn't he have orange hair? Yeah, questions like that will prove I'm not him, even though I am... Just... try not to pay too much attention to this issue unless they recognize me.'

The airship lands and Ichigo's train of thought is broken. He goes out, making his way, and gazes at the school.

Ichigo: "Huh. This school seems impressive." he says with a tone of awe.

In front of the school, Ozpin and Glynda were standing there waiting for their new student to arrive.

Ichigo: "Hey Oz, Glynda." He casually addresses them, but this makes her eyebrow twitch.

Glynda: "It's Professor Goodwitch to you, Mr. Kurosaki." she states with a stern look on her face while pushing her glasses up.

Ichigo: "Oh really? Then why does Super Kami Draco keep referring to you as 'Glynda' in the dialogue?"

Glynda: "What the... What are you talking about, Mr. Kurosaki?"

Ichigo: "I... don't know? Why did I say that?" he says confused.

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