XIV. A Date With Weiss

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Ichigo's POV

What just happened? Ichigo has been asking himself this very question for the last few minutes as he's walking back to his dorm. Did Weiss really just ask him out on a date? No, no, she wouldn't do that... would she? She was acting weird... Looking at it objectively, what she did reflects movies and TV shows from his old world when usually, a guy asks his crush out on a date. Although, that might only be the way it works on TV and movies. Whenever Keigo asked a girl out, it was a lot more... Actually, never mind. He's not really a good standard considering his personality. Honestly, his attempts looked more pathetic than anything. But she said she just wanted to thank him. He didn't do anything worthy of such thanks, just helping his friend. Maybe things really are different in this world? Either way, it's probably best to ask someone he knows, someone he could trust to give him answers.

Ichigo knocks on the Team JNPR dorm, where, surprisingly, Jaune answers the door. Ichigo would've thought that he was still exhausted from his team training earlier in the forest.

Jaune: "Ichigo? What are you doing here?"

Ichigo: "Can I come in? I need to ask you guys something."

Ren: "Who's at the door?" he asks curiously.

Jaune: "It's Ichigo." he answers as he lets him in. "He says he wants our help with something."

Ren closes his book and sets it aside, giving his full attention to Ichigo. Hopefully, they have the answers he seeks.

Ren: "So what's on your mind?"

Ichigo: "Here's the thing. Something... strange just happened to me. But first of all, where's Pyrrha and Nora?"

Jaune: "Oh, them? They said they wanted to do some shopping in Vale. Apparently, there's a sale for a new type of ammo for Nora's grenade launcher and she asked Pyrrha to go with her. So what happened?"

Ichigo rubs his neck in consideration of what to say and how to phrase it.

Ichigo: "...I think Weiss just asked me out on a date."

Jaune and Ren look at each other with slight shock reflected on their faces. Was hearing this really so weird? He can see questions building up behind their eyes, questions that he might not be able to answer.

Ren: "You're right, that is strange. Jaune here used to have a giant crush on her, asked her out at least once a week. She said no every time."

Jaune: "You don't have to mention that..." he says, embarrassed. "But Ren's right. Weiss generally doesn't do anything other than schoolwork or training, so the fact that she asked you is weird. Usually, it's the other way around, not that she accepts any dates. Are you sure she did?"

Ichigo: "No, and that's the problem!" he exclaims.

Jaune: "Let's start from the top. What did she say?"

Ren: "How did she ask?"

Jaune: "Why did she ask?"

Ren: "And what was your response?"

Ichigo: "Okay, look, here's what happened. She invited me to dinner tonight as a way of thanking me for some advice I gave her. I don't think it was particularly helpful advice, but I hope I helped her in a small way. I was just being a friend. She said she wanted to repay me for my kindness and that 'A Schnee always repays their debts.' I accepted since I thought I should. What do you guys make of that?"

They both ponder this for a few minutes. This must really be an extraordinary event. This was probably the best method to find out since they've known her longer than he has, since the beginning of the school year. He could have asked her teammates, but Ruby probably wouldn't know, Blake might know, but getting her to hold a conversation is sometimes difficult, and Yang is... well, Yang.

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