XXIX. Onward

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Hey guys! Draco here!

It's still Christmas where I live, so... here's your present! I got it done in under 24 hours like I said! I'm proud of myself.

Hope you enjoy!

Weiss's POV

The Xiao-Long/Rose house has been... ridiculously enjoyable. Not that Weiss would ever admit it out loud. Doing so would only incent the sisters into pulling similar shenanigans at a time/place where not appropriate.

When the team got to Patch, Taiyang Xiao Long, Yang and Ruby's father, welcomed the team to the island. At first, Weiss felt as though she was the furthest she could be from Atlas, what with the relative peace of the island that's not due to a large military presence. Instead, it was more of a peace that came about from simply the location. Beacon felt similar, but it too was like Atlas in that there were trained Hunters and students around them, always on alert. It was kind of like a middle ground between this type of peace and Atlas's. This just felt... harmless.

Of course, Ruby was responsible enough to let them know that Grimm do appear on the island from time to time, but that older students from Signal sometimes go out to take care of stray Grimm that wander away from their packs. In fact, that's what she had done before coming to Beacon despite not having been one of the older students. Regardless, even though Grimm did exist here, it didn't feel as such. Instead, it felt like Weiss could simply... let go and have fun.

Like when Ruby decided it was time for some team bonding activities.


A few days into the trip, Ruby drags Weiss into the kitchen. Weiss has absolutely no idea what she's up to. Over the last few days, either Mr. Xiao Long has cooked food or, more often than not, the girls ordered food from somewhere. Not even at Beacon did they eat out this much. Then again, the cafeteria's got such a diverse menu that eating there might count? Weiss doesn't know, just like she doesn't know what Ruby has taken her here for.

Ruby: "Alrighty, Weiss! I am going to teach you the art of baking cookies!"

...of course it's something like this.

Weiss: "Ru-"

Ruby: "Catch!"

The younger girl tosses her something quickly, something that Weiss barely catches. She opens the cloth and sees that it's an apron that says "Respect the Cook".

Ruby: "And one for me!"

Somehow, she had put on and tied a second apron onto her person before Weiss even noticed.

Weiss: "'Respect the Cook'?" she questions out loud.

Ruby: "Oh, that's my dad's. We've only got two, and Yang got me this one for my birthday one year." She huddles up to Weiss. "I think she just wanted me to bake more often so she could eat more."

Yang (from the other room): "I heard that!"

Ruby: "Good! I don't care! You and Blake want cookies or not?" she yells back.

Yang (from the other room): "Make plenty of chocolate chip!"

Ruby: "We'll make as many as what we have ingredients for!" she yells back once again.

Weiss's ears are ringing with how close Ruby was when she 'talked' with Yang.

Weiss: "Can you NOT yell in my ear!?"

Ruby: "Oh. Sorry!" she apologizes, but not really. "Now, come here, Weiss!"

Using her Semblance, she goes over to the pantry and pulls out several ingredients. Weiss is a little lost already as she's never cooked/baked before. She knew she should have asked Klein for lessons before she went to Beacon.

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