IX. Field Trip Part I

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Ichigo (thoughts): 'Bored... Maybe I should leave early. Not really doing much anyway. Maybe practice with Zangetsu and get some light exercise to work up my muscles...'

Ichigo had just finished dancing with Yang a few minutes ago. It was odd to him at first since he never danced, but eventually, he got the hang of it. Of course, he still sucked. Yang had to leave when Ozpin came up to her and said that he needed her for something. Yang reluctantly left to see what he wanted, leaving Ichigo by himself. Now, he sits at an empty table as he watches people dance with a bored expression, not really knowing what to do.

Not really paying attention to his surroundings, he fails to notice an ashen black-haired woman with amber eyes and a formal black evening gown approach his table and sit across from him. Cinder expected him to immediately notice her thanks to her looks. She was wrong. A few minutes passed and Ichigo still didn't notice her. He was too lost in his thoughts. Cinder, getting a bit irritated of Ichigo not noticing her, coughs in her hand.

Nothing. Ichigo continues to think and completely ignore her. Getting fed up, she gets up from her chair and walks over to him, standing right in front of him. It was only then that he noticed.

Ichigo: "Umm... Hello?"

Cinder: "Hello." She puts on an alluring smile. "I couldn't help but notice you sitting here by yourself. I didn't think I would find the famous 'Blue Reaper' here." she said, hoping this conversation would give her some useful information.

Ichigo: "Uh, what? First of all, who are you? Second, what the hell do you mean 'Blue Reaper'?"

He had never heard of this term, much less it being attributed to him.

Cinder: "Oh, I'm Cinder, and I'm one of your fans." she lies. "And what do you mean? You don't know your own nickname from the general public?"

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Dear god... People are naming me now!? For crying out loud! All I wanted was to not draw attention to myself. Joining Beacon was my first mistake which led to the others! Just... fuck.'

Ichigo: "I... see. Sorry, but I need to do something."

He gets out of his chair to leave. All he wanted was to go unnoticed, but now that he's found out that the general public was already naming him, adding more to him, he wanted to get out of the ballroom as soon as possible and exercise to loosen his muscles. Hopefully that'll relieve some of the stress.

Cinder: "Wait! Can I-" She cuts herself off as he's too far away alright.

Cinder (thoughts): 'Dammit. Looks like I got nothing useful.'

Ichigo was too annoyed and lost in his thoughts as he left that didn't realize that she felt very similar to another person he sensed once.

The Next Day

It was now 4 AM. Ichigo is currently sleeping with only his boxers on since he had no sleeping clothes. He was sleeping soundly, like any other normal person.

*Knock Knock Knock*

He immediately woke up and threw himself off his bed and awaited for someone to attack him, but it never came.

Ichigo (thoughts): 'Huh? What the... Right. Dad's not here. Stop waking up-' He was cut off when he heard another knock. 'Huh. Guess I woke up from that.' he thinks to himself as he walks over. 'Who would come at this time of night. Isn't it past curfew already?'

Ichigo opens the door and is surprised to see Yang standing there in her pajamas.

Ichigo: "Yang? What are you doing here? If you get caught past curfew, you could get detention." he asks concerned.

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