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Autumn's POV
I hear it.
It's like a soft voice whispering something. Something I can't understand. But I can hear it. It is a male voice speaking. He keeps chanting the same things. The voice starts to get louder and louder. Finally loud enough to understand.
"Come on Autumn wake up. Come on open your beautiful eyes." the voice says. The voice has an urgency in it but is still gentle. Just the perfect balance to be persuasive. So I try.

I pull and tug on my eyelids to open but they don't. I see black. Not the normal black with a pinkish glow. Then I feel it. The simple movement that means so much. I feel a hand interlocked with mine. I assume the hand belongs to the voice.

The mysterious voice says, "squeeze my hand if you can hear me." Then the equally mysterious hand squeezes mine. So I squeeze back. Hard or at least as hard as I can.

"Look!" The voice screams.
"She squeezed my hand! Everyone look. Autumn darling squeeze my hand again please."

Squeeze. Even harder this time.
"Did you see that?" He questions.

"Autumn. Listen to me. Focus on my voice. I know your there. But they don't. You have been there for a while now. You fell almost a month ago. Come on Autumn. I know you can do it. They say if you don't wake up this week they will pull your plug. Please Autumn prove them wrong." I can hear him crying now. "I miss you so much. Life isn't complete without you. You gave us a pretty good scare once. You... you.. you flatlined. You...you were dead. But then you came back. Like you were given a second chance to make things right. They said something with your brain isn't letting you heal. They said it will once you wake up. So please I beg of you wake up."

The voice is right. I need to wake up. I need to try to pull it together for who ever is waiting on the other side of my stubborn eyelids.

Finally my eyes pop open. Once they greet and adjust to the bright light they can finally see.
I am surrounded by strangers. Complete strangers.
"Who--" I have to clear my throat.
"Who are you?" I ask.
The smile on the boy's face went away and was replaced by a look of disappointment in a matter of seconds.

A journey to change AutumnWhere stories live. Discover now