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Beep beep beep.

Ugh. I hate alarm clocks. Sometimes I want to scream at mine to teach it how I feel. But I know that won't work. It's Monday again. Which means no dance till tomorrow, school today, and most likely Sam. But I get up anyways.

I dress casual today since I feel like a zombie. I eat and head to school. I walk there because I could use the exercise. I get there and head to my locker. On my way there I see Tyler and stop to talk to him. But before I can say anything his basketball friend starts talking to him so I just head on to my locker.

I get there and grab my stuff for my first class. Math. Also known as mental abuse to humans. On my way I see none other than Sam and her gang. Of course a great way to start off my day. I hope she doesn't notice me but of course she does. She knocks my books out of my hand and trips me. I fall and hear snickers coming from people. I pick up my stuff and continue on my way.

But that wasn't the only time it happened today.

Also in the bathroom after lunch her and her gang ganged up on me. They pushed me on the floor and kicked and punched me a few times. But one time was the worse. They made me stand up. So reluctantly I did. Only to get shoved against some metal pole. The pole thingy was sharp and went into my back. I let out a few screams. I fell on the ground and started seeing black spots in my vision. I heard the girls leave when everything went black.


I wake up on the floor. The bathroom floor to be exact. I sit up to feel a sharp pain in my lower back. I place my hand on it to feel dried blood. I check the time on my phone. 3:15. Great time to go home. I stand up slowly feeling pain all through my back. I walk across the room and out the doors. I takes me a while but I get home.

I lay down after bandaging my back and putting ice on it. I sleep through supper trying to get rest for dance tomorrow. Which I am not looking forward to.

A journey to change AutumnWhere stories live. Discover now