"Hey. You are too beautiful when you blush to look away. " Tyler says. What. What did he just say. Do I have water in my ears or something because I don't think I am hearing correctly. " excuse me. What did you say?" I ask. "Nothing." He states. "No. Tell me please." "I said you are too beautiful to look away." He explains. I guess I can hear fine because he said it again. What do I do? Do I say thank him or ignore him? But before I can respond the bell rings making me jump two feet in the air. We all rush out of the room and go to our lockers. After I get my stuff from my locker I head to my next and final class. On my way Mckenna stops to talk to me. "Hey Autumn." She says. "Yeah." I ask. "What class do you have?" "History. You?" "Same." She states. We head down the hall way to history when some girl sticks her foot out and makes me trip. With these heels on there is no telling how it will end. As I fall some guy runs up to catch me. I look up at him and can't believe my eyes. It's Tyler. "Whoa Autumn." He says. "You alright there?" "Yeah I am fine thanks to you." "No problem. Glad I caught you." "Me too." He tells me that he has history next. So I tell him I have it too. McKenna stares at us awkwardly while we walk down the hall. We get there and the only open seat for me is in between McKenna and Tyler. History goes fast and I am soon at the dinner table eating with my family. We eat fast and go to our rooms. I walk into Emma and McKenna's room to get some homework help. We talk about school for a while until McKenna brings up Tyler. "What were you and Tyler talking about?" "Nothing." I state as I blush and quickly run out of the room. That was close. I go to my room and lay on my bed. I think about Tyler until I slowly fall into a peaceful sleep.

A journey to change AutumnWhere stories live. Discover now