I wake up to a noise. I look around. I am on the balcony. I look at my phone. 8:40. I see Luke start to stir. I turn around and see aunt Mia tapping on the glass door. I sit up as she opens the door. "Morning" I say "morning. May I ask why you're on the balcony?" i explain to her what happened last night. "Ok" she says. "Breakfast is ready down stairs." "K thanks" I say. She turns and leaves. I get up and bring the pillows and blankets back into my room. Luke helps me then leaves. I change then go down the stairs. I go into the kitchen and see Uncle Adam serving pancakes to Luke. I eat mine then aunt Mia comes in. "What are we doing today" Luke asks. "We are taking you two to the doctors today for a checkup." aunt Mia says. "Why" I ask. "We want to take proper care of you." "Ok" I say. I finish eating and go get ready for the doctors appointment. I take a shower and wash my brown hair. When I am done I go downstairs. "Ready?"aunt Mia asks Luke and I. We both nod. We all climb into the car and drive 30 minutes to the doctors office. I just hope they don't notice my swollen nose. We walk in and go up to the front desk. "Autumn and Luke Laine. " Aunt Mia says. "Yes right this way. " The nurse leads us down a hallway and into a small room. "The doctor will be with you shortly. " The nurse says and shuts the door. "When are we going to school?" Luke asks breaking the silence. "Next Monday" aunt Mia says. "Ok" Luke says. We sit and wait for about 10 minutes in silence until we hear a knock on the door and the doctor comes in. "Hi I am dr. Timothy. I will be helping you guys today. First we will start with Luke." He says. Luke jumps up onto the table. The doctor checks the basics then asks to take an x-Ray. Oh no. They will find out about my nose,then ask questions. Luke comes back and sits down. It is my turn. They do the same thing to me. When the x-ray comes I start to get nervous. It is over and I am back in the room. I sit on the table and look at my feet. I have always been average size for my age. We wait for a minute when the doctor comes back in. "I have some bad news. " He states. Then he puts the x-ray up and shows us. "Autumn appears to have a broken nose." Aunt Mia and Luke gasps and look at me. " It also shows a chip in her right arm. She will need surgery for both. we can have the surgery tomorrow. You will need a cast on your arm and a bandage on your nose." He stops and stares at me. "May I ask how this happened?" Should I tell him or should I lie. Luke doesn't even know this has happened. I finally decide to spill. "I was bullied. " I mumble. "What was that?" He asks. I look at him right in the eye. "I was bullied. " I say this time louder so that everyone in the room could hear it. Luke and aunt Mia gasps and the doctor is the one to break the silence. "Did they punch you?" I nod. He does some more charting then wraps up my arm and puts something on my nose. He says to come back tomorrow. We leave and get into the car. We have silence till we pull up to some other place. We walk inside and I see it is an eye doctors office. Aunt Mia checks us in. By the end of it I have glasses and Luke has perfect vision. We drive all the way home in silence. We pull into the driveway and aunt Mia tells Luke to go inside. When he is gone she turns to me. "When did it happen?" She asks. "yesterday" I tell her. She sighs "you know I was bullied too. I remember thinking that nobody likes me. It took me years to stand up to them. I don't want you to be like me. If you need anything come and talk to me ok?" "Ok" I say. " I will be telling Adam but it is your choice if you want to tell Emma ,Mckenna or Eli." with that she exits the car and goes inside. So I do the same.

A journey to change AutumnWhere stories live. Discover now