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"I would love too."
Tyler made this wonderful mountain overlook and picnic so perfect I couldn't say no. So he helped me sit down onto the pillows to eat. 
"What do we have in this magical basket of yours?" I ask then as if on cue my stomach growls.
"I guess someone didn't eat much at lunch." He replied laughing. "Let's see we have green grapes, plenty of water, strawberries, and chicken salad sandwiches."
"How did you know that chicken salad sandwiches were my favorite?" I ask shocked.
"A little birdie told me." Laughing at his own joke he continues." It was your brother. Anyways,we should talk. Sure we r boyfriend and girlfriend but I still don't know that much about you." He says while handing me a sandwich which I gladly accept.

"Well what do yup want to know. There's not much her anyway."

"Well for starters, what was life like, well before California?"

"Let's see. Where to start?" I say pretending to be stumped. "Oh I know how about the beginning. You might want to sit back it's going to be a long one." Clearing my throat so I don't have a voice crack I continue. "We lived in North Carolina. My mom and dad met in high school and fell madly in love. There couldn't have been a better couple than them. They got married shortly after college. She was a nurse he was a computer specialist. Everything was going great until dad lost his job, then mom got pregnant and had too much stress to continue working. At that point they lost a lot of money. Then after me and Luke were born things only got worse. But we had one thing. Love. We loved each other so much we didn't care what toys we had or what brand we had to wear we just loved. Well until I was nine years old. See once I was in the car with my dad and he was driving. We had stopped at a red light and he looked back at my with nothing but love in his eyes and was about to say something when a truck came crashing into our car and killed him instantly."

I feel a single tear roll down my cheek as I speak but I don't bother to wipe it.

"What the worst part is is that he saved my life and I couldn't thank him more. Then days,months, even years went by and from then on I was lonely. You see I never had much friends and neither did Luke. We had each other. But in high school he found friends and practically never wanted to see me again. I don't know what got into him. He said it was his friends. He said that they didn't like me. But I don't know it was complicated. Then came the bullying. This one gang decided I would be their target to pick on. And it was like that for almost three years. Until my mom lost her job and we got sent here. And you know the rest from there." I finish finally putting a piece of this sandwich in my mouth.

He continues eating but nods.

"Ok enough about me. Now tell me about you."
He puts his sandwich down and let's me eat while he talks.

"Ok so my parents. My parents met at a train station both going to work not to long out of college. My mom was lost and didn't know what train to get on so she asked my dad. Instead of answering he just stared at her with his mouth wide open. Turns out they rode the train together. It took my dad almost three months to ask my mom out but once he did they were hooked. A few years later they were married.  After that they tried to have a kid. They had tried for a few years before my mom got pregnant. When she did my parents were so happy to finally have a kid but not for long. It didn't take but a month to realize there was something wrong. It got worse over the months. Once they found out I was a boy they also found out the risk of having me. If she kept me there was a 30% chance she wouldn't make it, but if she decided not to have me then she would live. My mom wasn't a selfish woman, so they made their decision. After having me my mom was fine. They though she was part of the 30% that survived but two days later she went to sleep and never woke up. Ever since then my dad had to raise me and never bothered to find a new wife. The rest of my life is pretty boring but oh well." He closes looking at his sandwich before taking a bite.

"I'm sorry Tyler. It must be bad growing up with out a mom. But tell me interesting facts about you that I don't know."

"Well my favorite color is navy, I hate ketchup, I once broke my arm by climbing a tree when I was young, and I pretended that I had an imaginary sister that would play games with me."

"You had an imaginary sister?!" I asked shocked.

Looking down but laughing,"yes she always played with me when my dad was busy."

"Well that is definitely an interesting fact I didn't know about you."

We continue to make small talk and eat our meal. Eventually we finish eating and just sit and talk. He tells me about his friends and sports while I tell him about North Carolina. After a while his phone buzzes.

"What was that for?" I ask him regarding his phone.

"A timer."
"What for?"
"You'll see."
Of corse another surprise. He knows I'm not a fan of surprises.
Suddenly he stands up and offers me a hand up. He helps me grab my crutches  and stand the best I could.

"There's something I'd like to show you." He starts while walking to the stone wall next to the edge. I reluctantly follow him. Once I get to the wall he helps me sit on top of the waist high stone barrier.
"Now close your eyes." Again I for some reason follow his orders.
I hear him hop up onto the wall and sit there for a few minutes before saying,"ok open your eyes."

Before me was an absolutely beautiful sunset on the ocean. The sun looked like it was just barely kissing the ocean. I couldn't help but gasp. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. This was by far the best date ever and it wasn't even over yet.

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