2.1: (CYCLE 2 Begin)

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"Winter arrived before I knew it."

There are two things that are considered common sense under the smoggy skies of Artemis City.

Number 1: Silver hair is the sign of the Angels.

Number 2: Never head West, or else the Angels will find you.

Li has known these rules ever since the starting point of his memory. He casually tossed his last package at the worn down doorstep with a whistle, before leaving the barren West Sector.

'Do not go West, or the Angels will find you.'

As long as everyone kept believing that, Li would remain the sole beneficiary of the people there.

Li familiarly hopped apartment railings and ledges, nimbly jumping down a sooty rooftop to the gravel floor. Dirty military green pants covered long legs as they strode over pits of miscellaneous parts. Chewed up wires, scrapped metal, and broken circuits all piled high around the edges of Artemis; the city once glorified for advanced technological innovation and manufacturing.

The young man ducked through a small, metal wire fence opening. An obtrusively pointed ridge pulled down his grey hoodie. In the cloudy light, Li's features could be described as delicate, pretty, or even girly. Pale skin was dotted faintly with slight acne blemishes, glowing with youth. His stormy grey eyes narrowed; they matched the polluted weather all around. Li quickly pulled his hood back over, covering rich black, curly hair.

He walked through narrow passages, then his eyes lit up suddenly. He bent down and pushed away all the trash, pulling out a small, glinting yellow lighter. A small smile passed by on his face as he flicked it open and ignited it. A small orange flame jumped out.

"I'll be able to treat myself tonight."

After several twists and turns that no one but Li could keep track of, he exited the shadowy alley into an open plaza. The open area was filled with patchwork merchants and vendors. They hustled unfazed residents that lived in vicinity of said plaza, Hestia Plaza. It was located in the northeast area of Artemis, closer to the heart of the city. The plaza was well known for selling the freshest food available, albeit of suspicious ingredients (the origin is unknown). Li weaved through the crowds unnoticed, slipping into a small building with boarded up windows.

A light jingle sounded in the shop. There was only enough room unblocked by rusted tables and chairs to walk up to the front counter. Li leaned on the counter and rapped his knuckles on it hard, creating a muffled thump against the tablecloth.

"Auntie, Uncle, I brought another lighter!"

A voice shouted back from inside. "Hop over the counter, Li! It's under there. Leave the lighter on the table!"

Through the dim hall there was a small but clear view of a messy kitchen, which aromatic smells emanated from. Baked dough and oily vegetables stir fried with soy and paprika sent Li's stomach growling.

He did what he was told and took the plastic takeout bag from under the table. It was filled to the brim with food, the handles hardly managing to hold up the weight without stretching thin. Li knocked on the counter in thanks before briskly departing.

In Artemis City, no one had a dream to live up to. There was only the desire to get by, day by day. Li was not different, simply wanting to build up a comfortable life for himself. But it would be lying to say he didn't have one.

Before Christmas came, Li desperately wanted to find a fox. He once saw one he was younger, fluffy and wide-eyed in a dirty performance tent, and had been obsessed since. He didn't feel a particular desire to domesticate it or anything. There was just, an intent that stuck with his soul that night. To find a fox, to make sure it was okay, that it lived well and safely, wherever it was.

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