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"This time, I'm sure to keep you safe."

As the moon rose high in the sky, the human settlement fell into silence. Yet, the deep woods remained rife with activity.

The pack of wolves waiting for Fen'ra grew worried. She had been gone for hours now. They howled and rushed to the front of the manor, only to witness Fen'ra in her humanoid form holding up a large entrance door double her size. The Wolf Slayer, the female vampire Fen'ra continuously sought out, and the visiting fox spirit all surrounded her.

"For how long you've held it up... I'd say this is an impressive feat," Alyssa said.

Fen'ra nodded, puffing out her chest. "See, even you now understand the ability of my kin, Alyssa–"

"A shame it's all you dogs can do with such puny critical thinking capacity."


"Hey. Keep it steady. If I fix the hinges and the doors wind up uneven, you'll be standing here for far longer."

"Fine," Fen'ra sulked, her expression similar to that of a kicked puppy.

The wolves watching: "..."

They backed away beneath Aisultan's glaring vision and returned to their original waiting spot. It seemed Alyssa was doing fine...


"Vampire," Fen'ra called out.

"Call me Elijah."

"Why? A vampire is merely a vampire."

"What about Alyssa?"

"Alyssa is Alyssa, how can they be compared? Anyways, Vampire–if it wasn't you who killed my kin, then it was the other vampire in the alley there. When will you locate them?"

"Who told you the cloaked figure was a vampire?" Elijah glanced up at Alyssa–she shook her head.

"Cloaked figure? When I arrived long after, there were two faint vampire scents–although it was drenched in the putrid scent of holy water. I wouldn't be bringing myself to a mere vampire's level if I could track their scent."

"Sounds like your deductions have been confirmed, Aisultan."


"And when will you locate them?"

Elijah took a step back, wiping off his sweat as he inspected the newly fixed door. He spoke while gesturing to Fen'ra to lift up the next one.

"Why would I locate them for you, Fen'ra? I have my own reasons to do so, but I am not obligated to share them with you."

"I may be more forgiving, but my kin are more averse to believing you, Wolf Slayer. It will be you if there's no one else to find. I still remember how bloody the pieces were of my slain kin."

Elijah simply raised a brow. "You speak of my past as if you've witnessed it yourself. Say, don't werewolves have relatively short lifespans among demonkind?"

"Yes, they do. But I am simply superior," Fen'ra proclaimed smugly.

Alyssa rolled her eyes, "Why are you so..."

"What? To judge one based on just species–there's always exceptions to age. Why must the question of age apply to me, yet not Aisultan?"

Elijah tilted his head, "You know Aisultan?"

"Aisultan is Aisultan and not anyone else," Fen'ra stated matter-of-factly.

"We are acquaintances," Aisultan smiled, not explaining further.

Elijah laughed, "Alright."

Elijah didn't mind Aisultan's polite smile. Aisultan's agency was not his to control, nor demand information from. He would not interrogate Aisultan over private matters; the avoidance Eli described in his journal was painful, but Aisultan respected his and Eli's boundaries–their privacy. It was only right to respect his.

"Fen'ra, I don't know when they'll be located. I intend to go to the Saintess Church and notify them of a rogue vampire. The initial scuffle on their territory invoked their aggression–this vampire does not want me to interact with this church, I suspect. But if I leave soon tonight on short notice, it is unlikely for that vampire to find out."

Elijah finished repairing the last door hinge with a sigh. As he stood up, a wave of dizziness fell over him. Aisultan watched from nearby, however, he refrained from speaking up.

Elijah massaged his temple and continued to speak, "Fen'ra, we believe that there are wolves participating in smuggling human blood to vampires–beneath the church's nose. We think the vampire that killed your pack member is related to this smuggling group. I suspect the church has been extremely aggressive for this reason with demonkin."

Fen'ra growled, "That damned church. They've been attacking my kin with large amounts of silver without any reason, or so I thought. It's no wonder–betrayers have been ratting hideouts out on our side, perhaps to that vampire you speak of. I'll conduct my own investigation. I've had suspicions, but never did I consider this to run so deep."

"You have my thanks, Fen'ra. And you're free to go–the doors have been re-affixed," Elijah said.

Fen'ra grinned, "No, thank you, Vampire. It seems that not all of your kind are as useless as Alyssa."

She stretched out her arms. "Now, I'll take my leave. I've left my kin waiting. Until next time, vampire."

"You damn dog–what did you just say about me? Hey, don't walk away!"

In the night, Fen'ra disappeared amongst the shadowy brush, with Alyssa following right behind. Elijah stared out at the sinking moon, before stepping inside and shutting the doors with a heavy creak. A white tail flickered in and out of his vision, and a concerned voice followed.

"You are... feeling unwell, Elijah dear?"

The question was more a knowing statement. Elijah faintly smiled as he walked, with Aisultan by his side. The yellowing candlelight shined especially soft down the long hall.

"You're perceptive."

"Nevermind that–answer the question. And if there's anything I can do to help."

"It will pass. It always does."

The words struck Aisultan as odd, but Elijah made no indication of remaining on the subject.

"Give me a few moments to rest," he announced, "and then we will embark for the church. This time, making use of that ice of yours."

"Alright. This time, I'm sure to keep you safe."

Elijah for a moment, heard a twinge of weight behind the words. And for a split second, he considered if Aisultan was referring to something else–other than the fight near the church.

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