Oathbreaker I

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"Their connection to this world has been severed."

The air stilled, as the pair entangled by fate confronted each other. System 85 watched on, silent. The single moment Cedric spoke those magic words, forcing awareness upon the person he had begun to fall for, everything ceased.

"I'm sorry General, I lied to you. It's time for you to wake up."

Everything silenced, as quickly as the plucking of summer leaves into fall.

Every bumpy wave stilled, flecks of water fixed in place. The lone figures on the shore paused,
an unforgiving gaze leveling one of remorse.

System 85 turned his head away from the painful sight, absentmindedly stepping into the water. Or perhaps more accurately, stepping onto the surface of the water. Bizarrely, the liquid did not act as liquid should, steady lines slowly rippling out as the system walked farther and farther away from the shore.


Systems always held plain, forgettable appearances in order to assist their hosts more easily. If someone glanced at System 85, he would simply be a passerby in the crowd, invisible. System 85 stared straight at the horizon and walked forward without rest.

The lone figure stood against the vast waters, as autumn maples of unknown origin began to swirl around him. The azure blue water shimmered pastel with the peachy orange and strawberry pinks of the sunset; it strangely flickered as he moved passed. More and more maples and gingkos tumbled down, as if in preparation for a new season. His placid eyes glanced around with interest. He gingerly reached out a hand to catch the flickering ginkgo leaf; it burst into small sparkles as it landed into his palm. As they flickered further and further into reality, System 85's appearance seemed to shift among the vibrant leaves.

Long, flowing robes of deep, floral green elegantly wrapped around a tall, slender figure. Dark hair scattered behind him, drifting along as he walked. The System's eyes were a soulful green, looking down at he inspected the dark strands. Dark, regal eyebrows squinted carefully, framing an almost spiritually beautiful face. However pretty it was, the man looked far too delicate. His skin was a pasty pale and his body weak and small within the robes. It was like he would tumble over with a single push.

The weakening space presented a familiar scenery, reminding him of his last memory of the past. Colors of fire surrounding him on the ground and bright maple leaves falling, a god descended down upon his realm of Spring.

"I found you again. Hua Song."

He of flames and destruction, He of Autumn.

A strange wind blew past behind Hua Song, maples swaying in the direction of the voice. The man turned, eyes widened. It was the same serious voice, the voice he heard in his memories.

A light orange mane of hair messily settled on the man's shoulders with two braids crowning each side his head. Crimson robes blazed with ginkgo and maple patterns, covering broad shoulders and long legs. A black sword was strapped to his waist, dark boots wrapping up past his robes to the man's knees.

Silver tassels that hung off his ears stood out, shining with studded emeralds. Strangely, the green seemed to match the man's stormy grey eyes nicely. He held a tight frown, his gaze growing intense as he watched Hua Song.

Hua Song formally bowed, facing his reflection
on the ocean surface. For some reason, there was expectation on his own face, glittering.

"He Of Autumn. It is a pleasure to meet for the second time."

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