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"Let me be selfish and indulge in this happiness for a little bit longer..."

[I finished checking the system archives. I can confirm Demon Fox General's soul is the Felix's soul.]

An unknown feeling appeared in Cedric's chest. He gently petted the fox in his lap, spoiling it with attention.

System 85 stared on worriedly and said,

[Normally when one soul follows another, it is due to an excess number of negative emotions regarding a person. This soul may harbor malice or resentment of some kind towards you. Be careful, Cedric.]

Cedric let out a small laugh, bitter as black coffee. 'Thank you for the concern, but I'll be fine.'


The little white fox carefully licked Cedric's fingers, distracting him. Cedric refocused his gaze onto Felix. The cub only mewled louder and put its weight over his hand.

"So cute." Cedric didn't attempt to pull back his hand, as it would push the animal off his lap. The youth used his other hand to pet the fox's fluffy fur.

"Myah.." Felix shifted around several times in order to sit on both of Cedric's hands. The cub let out several noises of content.

Cedric laughed, his voice soft and mellow. "You are such a handful, Mr. 'Fox Demon General.'"

The fox sleepily mewled, it's eyes slowly closing. Every so often the fox with shake itself in an attempt to stay awake. The fox wanted to spend as much time as possible around it's favorite human.

Cedric amusedly observed the silly fox for minute, before carefully pulling his hand out from under the fox and picking it up.

He lay on the bed, the fox in his arms, and let out a tired sigh. Cedric had enjoyed taking care of the adorable fox, but the small cub was a handful. Tomorrow would be his last day mothering Felix. Then, he would be able to sleep as much as he wanted over the summer.

With this thought in mind, Cedric fell asleep. While the youth fell asleep, the young fox opened its eyes, clarity and intelligence swirling within.

'Why have I let him wait so long? I will do anything to find you...'

In the middle of the night, a fox changed into a human, silently and quickly. The boy quickly put on clothes and lay down, hugging the smaller youth tightly against his body. Only then was he able to fall asleep.

Cedric groaned at the bright sunlight in his face. He turned slightly, burying his head into something warm and strong. Cedric wrapped his arms around the warm heater, and quickly drifted back into a deep slumber.



Cedric woke up with a hazy sense of contentment.

"Felix...?" He spoke. The youth opposite of Cedric unblinkingly stares back. With a lackluster reaction, Cedric gave Felix a small smile, and lazily relaxed against him.

After few comfortable minutes of silence, in a low tone that almost pulled back Cedric to sleep, he spoke. "Good morning."

Cedric intensely gazed at Felix, his mind finally clearing of sleepiness. Complex emotions flooded in all at once, leaving Cedric tongue-tied. The youth buried his face into Felix's chest, responding with a muffled sound.

"Let me be selfish and indulge in this happiness for a little bit longer..."

Felix smiled and ceased to speak, taking in the overwhelming emotions he felt.

A spring of affection and care bubbled up in Felix's soul, blocking out a minuscule, quiet ripple of unease. They held each other for a long period of time, a moment they both etched into their hearts, never hoping for it to end.

But the crisp ringing of the doorbell briskly cut through the fuzzy atmosphere. Both separated, slowly sitting up. "Right," Cedric mumbled, "Camilla said she would bring groceries over today. She texted me this morning."

Felix stood up, stretching. "What did you tell her?"

Cedric yawned and attempted to blink the dewy tears out of his eyes. "That we are roommates."

The platinum-haired youth let out a small chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Cedric asked, curious.

Felix turned around to face the dazed youth. Leaning over, he spoke in Cedric's ear. "There are only 3 rooms in this apartment. One kitchen, one bathroom, and one bedroom. And those clothes you're wearing, are mine." Tingles ran up and down Cedric's spine as Felix's velvety voice laughed once more.

"Hey," Cedric spoke in mild protest. "I brought clothes, they all were washing at the moment."

Felix hummed in acknowledgement, before moving in closer.

In a blink of an eye, Felix pushed back Cedric's soft bangs, and planted a gentle kiss onto his forehead. Cedric froze, not comprehending what occurred until after Felix left the room. He lifted up his hand and touch the fading warmth on his forehead, and a wronged, misty-eyed expression appeared on his face.

That gentle expression is too unfair...

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