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"You aren't Elijah?"

Elijah, dipping the metal tipped pen in ink, carefully outlined the events that had happened in the last many hours. The well-furnished room seemed to lighten in color through the sliver of window that peeked through the dark curtains, as the moon fell lower in the sky, brightening the horizon. His hand paused for a moment, sadness flickering through his eyes as he continued to journal.

Too much time had passed too quickly, without Elijah being able to fulfill the tasks he had initially planned from yesterday night.

A wave of dizziness fell upon his vision, causing Elijah's gaze to flicker in and out of darkness.

Not nearly enough time...

He finished his journal quickly, ending the message in stern warning, "Refrain from close interaction with Aisultan, it is too early to know what his intentions are."

The pen froze in place, unmoving as shadows passed in the back of his eyes. He blinked with rapid movements, before smiling with laughter in his eyes, unlike the Elijah from before.

His eyes were a stark crimson, burning with liveliness, as he thumbed over his fangs, with a cheerful look.

"Elijah, ah, how am I supposed to resist this smell...?"

Elijah(?) leaned over the journal, before closing it shut and tossing it aside once he saw the nagging—walking downstairs with a hum; his voice, although still the same, seemed to echo more lightly. He pulled out the tight bun, letting the braid hang free, as he appeared before Aisultan in a moment's notice. An intense, cinnamon smell wafted from Aisultan, Elijah(?) immensely drawn to the slightly pale wrist and exposed neck, clean of any markings.

Aisultan looked up from the selected book in his hand, to suddenly meet the crimson gaze of Elijah looking down upon him—the features were still Elijah, but his reserved countenance disappeared, as readable expressions flickered through on his face. He grinned with his fangs peeking out. His hair was down in a messy braid, clothes ruffled as if he bolted down in a hurry.

"You, the one that was messing with me earlier! You have the gall to tease me like that...with such a tantalizing scent coming from your blood. I've been waiting to speak to you this entire time."

He leaned in close, jabbing a finger at Aisultan's chest, who looked more than just surprised—the shock brought light laughter to Elijah(?)'s lips, who thought it was more than amusing to see the handsome features twist in such an adorable way. Ah, only if he could see the way the man looked as drew the blood out of that delicate skin, dripping sweet and tangy down his throat...

Feeling warm, Elijah leaned back again with a regretful sigh, shaking the temptations from his mind.

"The audacity to treat me like some pet, and Elijah didn't even think to stop it, that sneak. This must be payback for the last few days—our time is allotted in careful amounts, I suppose—he has been taking up all his time to clean up my messes. I'll have you know no one but Elijah has treated me like that in a long, long time. Decades? Maybe a few years less."

"You aren't Elijah?"

"I am, but I am also not."

Aisultan closed the book, setting it atop his lap with renewed interest.

"A contradictory claim."

"I suppose, but don't think too much of it, Elijah will surely get miffed if you relay questions about it to him—and I will know it would be you, since I sure won't be writing that down. He's more sensitive about those things."

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