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"I want to be your companion, Eli."

Eli collected the pen and journal in his arms, bringing it down to the workshop. His mind felt more cluttered than his workspace, bringing a great frustration as he looked around the messy room—from there he decided to clean the room out the best he could until he calmed down. The tortoise watched as he transported items in and out of his workshop in a busying manner, while Eli tried not to think about anything.

He didn't pay heed to the tortoise stalking toward the corner beside the front doors, where a long rope extended to a bell. With a patient movement, it bit down and pulled the rope, swinging the bell back and forth–only then did Eli look over, before flipping through the journal, skimming it with a realization; he snapped it shut, a delighted expression painting his features.

"Alyssa is coming?! Since when?"

The tortoise stared at him with a deadpan look, before walking back with methodical steps.

"Since the last time you were sobbing over some human tragedy novel, and, pftt—Elijah swapped with you in the middle of crying, haha! Eli, you don't even realize the extent of comedic timing that unfolded in that moment, inebriated AND emotionally ruined over some human's little book? My~"

A silky, energetic voice spoke behind him, with a natural, seductive tone. Arms wrapped around his shoulders, dragging him down to a slight bend in the knees. Eli laughed, moving out of her one-sided embrace to give the familiar voice a hug.

"Alyssa, it's been 3 full moons since I last saw you!"

The woman only went up to his chest when they hugged, even on the tips of her heels; he made sure to give her an extra tight squeeze.

"Yes, love, it has been a while, hasn't it? I've only gotten to talk with Elijah the last few visits—that boring guy—oh," she paused in mock surprise, the brunette hair neatly falling into place above her shoulders, "Elijah, love, you're right there. Aw, a shame you heard me. Well, that's alright, I have a few more hours on my plate before you can even think to talk back to me!"

She blinked apologetically at the tortoise, the crimson eyes two shades deeper into burgundy than Eli's. The tortoise pretended Alyssa didn't exist, settling into the blankets at the other end of the hall, into the common room.

"So this is why Elijah's been so antsy as of late, he probably wanted the manor clean before you came."

"Oh sweet, wonderful, Elijah—it makes no difference to me."

"And that's what I tell him! I do believe it's more for Elijah's sanity than your or my own."

"Oh but it's the same for Sophie too! She's all over the place scrambling when we have guests."

"I suppose I'm going through a bit of the same endeavor, making extra room in the workspace in the basement—speaking of, is that what you're here for—lost my train of thought for a moment. The ring, you probably came because of the ring, yes?"

"You hit the target, love—but we can discuss that later, we have time. What's this about you and cleaning? Since when has my Eli chosen to clean in his spare time? When I come by I usually have to pound on your basement door after Elijah permisses me in."

Alyssa hugged his arm with a slight grin, fangs poking out, as they walked to the dining room.

Eli's face fell for a moment, before managing a laugh. "Oh it's nothing," he began, pulling out a seat for her at the table. "We have a guest in the manor at the moment, and he's been a renewing presence. We were together earlier discussing Elijah's gardens.

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