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Did...they miss him as much as he missed them?

The rays of the morning sun gently pushed Cedric awake. He slowly blinked watery eyes as a numbing sensation rapidly worked up his shoulder. He softly tugged his arm away from the silver fox, who was earlier curled up on crook of Cedric's arm.

Felix's form had significantly grown since he gained his memories back. Slightly shorter than a medium sized dog, but leaner and longer. Any fuzzy white baby fur had long since been shed in preference for an adult coat with a silver sheen. It was slick yet still soft, and fingers could still just as easily run through it. The fur seemed smooth and shiny, as if the fox had often been washed and groomed.

Cedric stood up carefully, avoiding the evenly breathing animal. He walked out of the bedroom, briefly crouching down to touch the scratches on the door. There were some newer ones placed above the older marks, the paint wearing thin and most long since scratched off by a certain fox.

He proceeded to the other room, one side the kitchen and the other the living room. Walking straight toward the couch, he picked up the messy clothes that Felix seemed to struggled out of. Although Felix made the insinuation of sleeping together paired alongside slightly risqué remarks, he respected Cedric's privacy and gave him the bedroom at night, taking the couch for himself.

Despite gaining control over his fox form, it seemed old habits die hard. Felix couldn't fully control it, and subconsciously sought out warmth from another source. Often, he ends up in the bedroom where Cedric sleeps, scratching the door until the sleepy youth opened it.

Folding the clothes up as he returned, Cedric quietly crept into the bedroom. He placed the clothes on the desk before softly shutting the door.

The youth stifled a yawn, holding a hand over his mouth as he walked over to the cabinets. Cedric grabbed two bowls and an unopened box of cereal from Camilla's most recent restock of their pantry.

Setting aside a bowl for the other resident currently sleeping in, Cedric slowly chewed on the slightly mushy cereal, lost in thought.

Summer break was nearing its end, despite how short it felt. Camilla and her childhood friend's relationship seemed to be reaching a boiling point, and the last mission would perhaps be over no later than a week.

It seemed that Felix and Cedric's actions actually sped up the process of Camila's relationship. Their active interaction (and seemingly an inspiration of a relationship to her) helped her realize her feelings more quickly for the protagonist.

System 85 often left to check up on the protagonist, although he seemed more distant and more distant as the last mission's completion edged closer. Cedric was afraid to speak up, unsure of how System 85 would react. He didn't have much experience with friendships, so he eventually decided against asking the system, afraid of jeopardizing their friendship.

Cedric also wondered what his, or rather, this body's parents were up to. They called Cedric every week in a timely manner, making a point to give him attention. They lamented through the phone how recently how some shareholders were being problematic during board meetings. They stated how they may be unable to call him until they regain control on the matter. And so, they ceased contact with Cedric recently, with only the occasional text checking up on him. His mind wandered back and forth.

Were they doing well? Were they eating well? Were they sleeping enough instead of working nightly? Were they taking time to de stress after business meetings and spend time off together?

Did...they miss him as much as he missed them?

Cedric's drifting thoughts gently eased off into nowhere, as he mindlessly chewed on the soggy cereal.

He began to focus once more at the sound of a door creaking open behind him. He turned away from the left over milk in his bowl, observing Felix walking toward him. The blonde headed toward the kitchen languidly with not a hair out of place, a small smile appearing on his face as he caught Cedric's eyes.

In stark contrast, Cedric looked as though he had rolled around before getting up. His fluffy black hair now a bird's nest, all ruffled up. His clothes were wrinkled and seemed to be casually tossed on, his shorts sat loosely on his hips, as if they'd flutter onto the floor at any second. A second wave of tiredness seemed to hit Cedric as he lightly yawned, tiny canines peeking through his hand.

"Good morning Cedric."

Cedric responded, "Mornin'. Want some cereal?"

He gestured to the bowl and Felix quickly took up his thoughtful offer, seating himself beside Cedric. After hitting his quota of morning conversation with Felix, Cedric's mind returned to his parents once more. He dazed off, staring beyond Felix. Felix had long since finished cleaning up both bowls and currently stood across the counter, observing Cedric.

"Hey." No response.

"Hey Cedric." Felix stepped in closer, but to little effect. He walked behind Cedric and leaned down to his ear.

"Don't let me kiss you again before we even have an official date." A warm breath puffed lightly against Cedric's skin. A surprised inhale notified Felix that his teasing seemed to have worked. Cedric touched his ear in a delayed fashion, turning to look at Felix in an adorably lost way.

The words could be visibly be seen processing in Cedric's obsidian eyes, as a small but noticeable pink dusted his cheeks.

The foxy youth seemed a pinch too happy with his success.

"I..." The slow teen seemed especially confused this particular morning, resulting in a warm, fuzzy feeling in Felix's heart.

"You worried about someone? Parents?"

Cedric nodded, the words more quickly spoken by Felix.

"Mhm. You knew?"

Felix, "Well, you wouldn't mention them that often if you didn't love them, right?"

"?" Cedric tilted his head, puzzled.

Felix sat down once more, leaning in slightly. One arm rested on the table as the other reached out to pick apart the other's messy bed hair, not searching for anything in particular out of it. With a content glint in his eyes, the youth continued.

"Mr. and Mrs. Redwood end up becoming a pretty common topic as we talk. It's natural to care about those you're close to, no?"

Cedric hesitantly nodded.

He felt care towards Cedric's parents because he felt close to them? After brief thought, Cedric cautiously spoke, as if afraid that his words would bring criticism.

"I am... allowed to care for my parents? To display my care... I can reach out to them?" The words seemed to be asking for assurance. The fingers originally playing with the dark hair moved to gently poke his forehead.

"Ding ding ding. It's normal to worry about people you care for. To let them know of your true feelings is proof of that." Felix rested the side of his face in his palm as he touched the other's head gently. He continued, "You should go call them. You seemed to be concerned about them."

"I'm going to step out and do that. Thank you."

"If you're thankful, then hear me out afterwards, okay?"

Cedric stood up and nodded. He quickly turned and stepped outside the door, phone in hand. With the shut of the door, Felix's face slowly slid into his arms. "True feelings...Practice what you preach, huh? Tonight will be the night."

I'm running out of stockpiled chapters!!! Gaaaaaah!!!!
(Ps. Luv u all <33)

— Floofy

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