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A/N: Timestamp for recommended song is 17:13 .


My moonlightAisultan.

Alyssa stepped out of the garden, and with Fen'ra waiting at the entrance, they waved at him, before the shadowy trees overtook their disappearing figures. Eli gazed out at the slow dance of the trees, listening to the humming buzz accompany the lukewarm air.

"I thought I'd be feeling... heartbroken right now. And yet, it feels as if it's just the beginning of another evening with you, Aisultan."

"Does it now?"

Amber—reflecting a dazzling gleam. Intense. Swirling. Loving, yet soul-ripped. Sweet, syrupy adoration, yet wretched conflicting sadness.

"I'm sorry—I didn't mean it like that."

Aisultan took his hand, and parasol with the other, before leading Eli out the pagoda. "It's alright—but no more apologies—there's not enough time to be sorry. If there were... I think I have many more than a little misworded sentence."


"How was the dessert party?"

"So, unbelievably perfect. The desserts were wondrous—you take them for granted, Aisultan. Because I could banter on forever on their delicate sweetness."

"I have a more savory palate."

"I know you do," Eli laughed. "Elijah has a whole list of restaurants tabbed with your favorite dishes."

"I know it was your doing, Eli love—you're just crediting him. But thank you."

"...right," Eli coughed, turning away to inspect the tree, embarrassed. Then his voice leapt with a gasp.

"The tree! How did you manage to..."

Eli ducked under frozen branches and hopped over looping roots, neck craned as the peach-lavender light imbued the ice with a warm, ethereal fae glow. Specks of floating pinks and firelight oranges spun with his body, as he yanked Aisultan around to inspect the ice blossom tree with infinite, overflowing awe.

"Perhaps a bit of good timing and so."

"And the flowers—they're so bright too. Prettier than anything I've ever seen."

"Yes," Aisultan agreed, tracing the dusted color atop the bridge of Eli's nose, "there has never been anything so full of unworldly beauty."

A glinting streak caught Eli's attention like a string taut to a hook—he bent over, pulling Aisultan down by the sleeve. An open burrow of ice was littered by an arch of tiny vines and flowers. A laying fox with nine tails curled around a tortoise reaching up for one of the fluffy, dangling tails. Eli's breath was unable to find its way—as his heart jumped, and his shaking fingers traced the sculpted animals—the icy material the only indicator of what the cozy scene was made of.

"I'm still mad at you for that," Eli muttered. He stroked the fox with a finger, again and again.

"How was I supposed to know you were no more than a vampire's beloved pet," Aisultan laughed, catching the hand. His grasp was loose. Eli made no movement to escape the gentle hand.

"You weren't—you treated me how I was. How I am now. This carving. It's new, isn't it?"

"I made it for you."

"It's adorable, Aisultan—I love it so much. Say, you really are better at carving a fox than I. His face is a bit too symmetrical and regal if I might critique..."

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