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"Silly child. Incestuous feelings aren't the most moral..."

Although summer had just begun, temperatures were rising rapidly. A large green tortoise and small arctic fox lay on the cool tile floor of the kitchen. The AC was on full blast, but despite the heat, the fox cub stuck itself closely to the green shell of the tortoise.

The tortoise concernedly rubbed its head against the heavily panting fuzzball. The white fox pressed up more tightly against the shelled reptile in response. Still worried, Cedric transformed back into his human form. He picked up the cub and placed it on the cool, untouched counter. Afterward, he put on the clothing he had placed in the corner of the kitchen.

The arctic fox sat straight on the counter, alert by Cedric's sudden movements. The small animal resisted the urge to rub its body against the colder material in order to make sure his important human didn't leave.

Cedric grabbed a container and filled it to the brim with iced water. He rubbed the small fox's ears before setting it down next to the animal.

"Don't push yourself too hard."

The cub contentedly responded, "Myah..."

As Cedric sat on a stool and watched the cute fox play with ice cubes, the lazy System laying on the floor suddenly spoke in his mind.

[The female lead is approaching and will be here in about 5 minutes.]

'Mm. Thank you for notifying me.'


In the original story, Felix was left in his ignorant cub form for about 2 weeks before the female protagonist found him on the verge of death. She closely took care of the starved animal, causing Felix to quickly gain attachment toward her.



'How did the female lead manage to enter Felix's apartment?'

[You'll see in a few minutes. Just handle it as you originally were planning to.]


Cedric scooped up the snowy fox gently and sat him on the bed in the other room. "I'll be right back."

The fox looked up at Cedric with sad, anxious amber eyes, and pitifully whined. Cedric ignored his own aching heart and quickly pecked the cub's forehead before shutting the door.

Not even a minute after Cedric closed the bedroom door did the doorbell ring. He calmly walked over to open it. A dark toned girl with wavy brown, shoulder-length hair was standing at the doorstep, key in hand. She looked surprised when Cedric opened the door.

She quickly got over her shock and gave a Cedric a small smile, before awkwardly lowering her hand and asking,

"Is, um, Felix here?"

"No, he's out right now. Sorry."

She quickly nodded while staring at the ground, sneaking peeks at Cedric every so often.

"Oh...well, uh, may I ask-if it's okay with you I mean-who you are?"

"My name's Cedric. I'm a friend of Felix's. I'm staying over for the summer."

The girl's head jerked up and stared at Cedric, blushing hard at his words.

"I-I see..."

"Do you need something from Felix? I can let him know when he gets back."

She hurriedly responded, "O-Oh no! It's uh, it's fine..."

An awkward moment of silence rung out as the female protagonist became more and more panic stricken.

She desperately spat out words, attempting to break the tension.

"W-well, um, I'm Camila Flores. Just tell Felix that his sister needs to talk to him about something. And take good care of him! He can often be too independent, so please be there for him. I, ah, totally support whatever's going on with you two!"

Camila ditched before Cedric could even respond.

Cedric let out a small laugh and closed the door.

'How cute...'

[That was your plan? The poor thing looked like she was going to faint on the doorstep!]

'Ha ha.'


Cedric ignored System 85 and quickly returned to the bedroom.

As soon as Cedric opened the door, the small fox leaped into his arms. The youth had small look of surprise as he secured animal from falling.

"Myahh...!" The fox loudly cried for attention. Cedric stroked the white fuzzball, apologizing.

"I'm sorry I left you. I won't ever do it again..."

The little fox pressed itself further into Cedric's chest, purring in response.

'So needy...'


Cedric spent a long time playing with the fox's paws, squishing the individual pads on each paw. Suddenly, Cedric dazedly spoke to System 85 with realization.

'Camila and Felix are siblings.'

[You finally noticed?]

'Mhm. That's a bit...unsettling.'

[Felix was adopted by the Flores family 3 years ago. Although his adoption was recent, the whole family is very close.]

'I see.'

Cedric looked down at the fox cub. It looked up at Cedric with big amber eyes full of innocence and playfulness. Cedric sat on the floor and cupped the small animal's face.

"Silly child. Incestuous feelings aren't the most moral..."



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