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"The smell of a vampire is like no other."

"What did you see back there?"

"Ah, we haven't even stopped walking and you already interrogate me for answers? So harsh~"

Aisultan didn't seem particularly offended, playfully lilting the tips of his words, honeyed in a slight accent on his vowels.

"And besides, you would just abandon me here in the woods if I explained what I knew now, no? Don't deny, I do understand your intentions."

"Tsk." Elijah felt his words were direct for such a careless tone, seeing through his initial plan.

"Ah, so you were intending to leave me. I'm hurt~"


The rest of the walk felt as if it lasted a millennia, the silence drawing the duration to a standstill between the two stranger-acquaintances. Elijah, stared into the distance, rubbed over the ring in his pocket, cool and metallic. The journal expressed an intent to look for the rings to which he found, so for now he supposed he would put it aside in the laboratory. He suddenly felt an oncoming headache, as his mind wandered on how to write in the most recent guest they would house.

Not to mention...

He checked the night sky, the moon already past the peak above their heads, before looking over at Aisultan for a moment. A firm stature and upright shoulders were highlighted by the almost-exquisite woolen fur and short-cut robes, boots softly crunching against broken twigs. He wandered to look at the tip of the fluffy tail swaying with every step, swatting back and forth. It looked very soft...

Aisultan blinked, turning to greet him with a questioning smile and glinting amber eyes; Elijah looked away—they were nearing the mansion, and he needed to make sure a room was ready for a guest.

Elijah stopped in front of the mansion doors and spoke, "Wait a moment in the front room here. I will get your room prepared...Aisultan?"

His words trailed off as he turned to see Aisultan standing still in the garden, gazing around the grounds. There was a genuine moment of quiet observation, staring at the particularly nurtured hedges and brush.

"The gardener you have takes wonderful care of the landscaping."

It was an offhand comment.



"...Just enter in with me."

Elijah's face felt warm—the words were unexpected, but a compliment nevertheless. That seemed to be the first genuine words the man had spoken all night. It was difficult to make out Aisultan's intentions here—Elijah would have to keep watching over him. He observed the man carefully as he stepped in, who was unsurprised by the olden grandeur of the inner halls and rooms.

Aisultan drew him himself near the large fireplace, deciding to sit down—his tail curled around the side, drooping off the end of the cushion. The large, blanketed lump that sat in the middle shifted, every slow movement shaking off the blanket to reveal the tortoise, who turned slowly to face Aisultan. Elijah saw the man with a confused expression flicker past his features, breaking the always upturned lips and friendly eyes.

"This is...?"

Elijah refused to answer, leaving to prepare the room upstairs. He had no reason to worry if Aisultan took action against the tortoise—it wouldn't get anywhere the split second Elijah knew.

There wasn't much he had to do in order to clean the room—just a light dusting and bringing over a set of new blankets and towels; the desolate, guest room, deprived of its usage, was finally being put back into action. The image was silly-looking, as Elijah, who was dressed properly in nobles' clothes, was bent over, readjusting the bedsheets and setting pillows in a busy manner.

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