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"Felix, be good."

"The beach?" Felix touched the mole beside his eye absentmindedly. With a few knowing nods, he continued.

"I actually know a good spot on the beach for picnics. If we started getting ready now, we can make it by late noon."

Cedric looked over with a small smile, excitement fluttering about. He pulled his hand away and stood up, ignoring the lingering absence of the taller youth's warmth.

"Let's get ready for the beach then."

With a slow stretch, Felix flashed Cedric a quick grin, and strolled into the kitchen. There was little hurry in his actions, despite the words the lazy fox spoke.

Cedric took several calming breaths. He stood up in an equally relaxed manner, a small piece of regret remaining. With difficulty, he put it aside. At least on the last day in this world, he would enjoy it. And by the end, he would tell Felix his true feelings.

In an hour's time, the two had gotten ready and had hopped onto a bus, impatiently awaiting their stop.

Cedric peacefully watched the scenery go by. Bushy forests and streets crowded with consumer buildings made way for vaster expanses of land and small areas of local businesses. Eventually, sparkling ocean creeped into view, the large body of water a foreign sight to Cedric.

"I've never been to the beach before," he confessed out loud.

"I suppose there's a first time for everything," Felix mused. With a mischievous glint, he kept going.

"How many first times will I be able to take? I've already stolen your first kiss, no?"

Cedric's face lightly flushed. He didn't react, continuing to stare at the moving scenery. His pink ears however, were indication enough of the sly fox's success.

Before Felix could tease Cedric any further, the bus came to a halt. With opened doors, Felix lead his easily embarrassed roommate off the bus.

Quickly walking through a park, dirt and mulch slowly whittled down to peachy sand. Felix gestured down at his feet. They threw off their sneakers and ran down further to the shores.

The beach was a tourist hotspot, well known for waters of perfect temperatures and soft, textured sand mixed with interesting trinkets of seashells and sand dollars. Many people lay on towels to bask, others frolicking on the shores. In the distance, the waters were dotted with people afloat.

Felix took the overwhelmed youth a fair distance away from the crowds, where rocky landscapes and deep waters kept most away.
Gingerly tugging Cedric along he confidently made his way around wider areas of rocks. Soon, they had entirely left the presence of any other people. Large boulders seemed to guard the outskirts of the shores, but despite the obstacle, Felix easily brought him around, guiding him around to a very breathtaking sight.

There were several miles of pure, untouched shores, stones and shells glittering. Farther beyond and into the ocean, several rock formations could be observed. Many being majestic sights of nature, settling over tens of years. Other rocks flattened out, creating small pockets of lagoons. The waves crashed over these bubbles of life every couple seconds, a very unique, but relaxing sound in Cedric's mind.

Felix set down a makeshift picnic area, his mood painted on his face as clearly as the sunny sky. A blue checkered blanket was carefully laid out, alongside plates and utensils.
Noticing Cedric's hesitation, Felix gave him a little shove. He spoke with a forceful tone, but one also full of assurance.

"What're you waiting for? Go explore."

"Ah, yes. I'll go do that."

Cedric gazed over at Felix with a tiny smile, dimples apparent, before walking off closer to the water.

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