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Eli was enthralled.

"Come inside, Aisultan! Why are you hesitating? Just first at least enter in..."

"Eli dear, I'm afraid we can't make this work. There's no way I can fit into a space this small–"

"Oh stop hesitating–I know it'll be tight, but that's the only way we can make this work so I can search this dreadful closet."

"Here, I'm closing the door, watch your tail; we'll have more wiggle room if we shift a bit closer to each other."

A thick, fluffy tail rubbed against the pair's legs, trapped and unable to move, only tapped against them and the wall. The warm chest that pressed against Eli seemed uncomfortably stiff, as if frozen in place.

"And why, dear Eli, am I in here with you? Although there is a lack of light, I am sure you–never mind I–can see fine. You can find whatever it is you need–" the wavering voice raised higher, in a panic. "Please, no touching my clothes with your hands!"

Eli's cheerful laugh rang like a crystal chime in the spring breeze. With more upset exclamations from Aisultan, he maneuvered his way to the floor on his knees without a care for the horrified complaints left behind.

"By the moon, how can you even think–on the–you–on the floor? Your clothes, your hair, and let alone hands–all smothered in dirt and grime; I feel ill just watching. And not to mention the way Elijah throws himself into the dirt and scrubs out every abandoned crack and crevice to clean–I can barely even think about it."

"I never knew you were so squeamish when it came to a little bit of dust! Oh, and that's why–" Eli's head shot up in realized excitement, only to bang wretchedly against the chin above."

They both hissed through pressed lips, with respective movements reaching to touch an aching chin and throbbing skull. "That's why," Eli winced, "you seemed so antsy when I brought it up earlier. And how you behaved strangely when I mentioned the garden work you did with Elijah."


The embarrassment seeped out from behind Eli in palpable waves, causing him to smile. To think this thick-skinned fox spirit was rendered so awkward about his cleanliness. Eli didn't think it made him any less, but rather added a newfound delight to his image. Aisultan was no longer a mysterious fox spirit who entered into his life; he was a spirit who was tangible–with a myriad of traits that Eli only hoped to learn more about.

"I assure you, it is just me that is willing to endure such dirtiness–oh, I suppose Elijah tolerates, but he truly prefers a clean room to dirty. He's very much a housekeeper at heart, in that sense."

"Yes...but Elijah himself doesn't mind firsthand–the dirt and dust and places that need to be cleaned. Nor does Alyssa. Much like you, Eli dear, she doesn't mind it."

"Oh, she actually despises dirt–cannot stand it."

Eli suddenly scowled, moving to a new train of thought. "Not this side of the shelf–by the moon, let it be on the front end." He leaned back with a sigh, sweaty from hunching over shelves packed to the brim–he had been scanning through each container with impatient glances.

"Does Alyssa–rather, why does Alyssa express such concerns about your safety in regards to the werewolves? Not to put aside your deep-rooted friendship, but vampires need not worry about most monsters beneath them."

As he spoke, his tail hit the close wall with rhythmic thuds, his legs still as Eli crouched against his ankles. Aisultan stared intensely at the ceiling, unnoticed by Eli rummaging through dusty shelves only touched by mice and insects in the last few ages. He screwed a jar back shut with distaste, seeing the blackened congealed substance within. He continued spinning around jars, searching for visible labels or identifiers.

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