Extra: Winter Holiday Special!

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A/N: Happy holidays to everyone! Here's a little special of how Sen and General Lin would spend their time together in every world during the wintery season (that we have been in thus far). This is set in a stasis outside the canon. Consider it a "what if they were together w/o any problems", post-canon, or something similar!

Cycle 1:

Felix and Cedric are still in schooling, so they are cramming nonstop together for winter finals. Paired with their individual responsibilities of their homelife, it left them no time to spend with each other. But, once school is out and holidays are within reach, Cedric runs away to Felix's apartment to stay with him. 

Together, they spend nights building odd and precariously put together pillow forts. Same blankets, pillows, and furniture--but somehow the forts got more and more convoluted. Cedric has a great curiosity for baking, so he and Felix decide to bake new recipes. They make gingerbread men, peppermint bark, cinnamon rolls, and everything Felix also included to give to his family for the holidays. 

When nighttime came, they huddle together in their cozy fort and with chest-warming sweets, watch cheesy hallmark movies. Felix has a never-ending amount of ways to poke fun at every scene of every movie. It gets to a point where Cedric doesn't think it counts as "watching" the movie. He's too busy tearing up from laughter to understand each movie's plotline. And when they tire of that, they cuddle close together, eventually falling asleep to the sleigh bells of credits rolling.

Cycle 2:

Li would show up to O's house on the dot, anticipating the celebration of Christmas/holidays. And to O's annoyance, Ume follows, but they manage to tolerate his presence, the way an unapproving parent may view their son's boyfriend. The night is rowdy with alcohol.  

Ume begins to realize it is their time to leave once O and Anne get close, cuddly, and unashamed of their actions in the presence of others. Li is completely inebriated, so Ume patiently washes his face, helps dress him in his winter gear, and princess carries him home. By now, it's extremely late and Li drifts in and out of consciousness. He catches sight of Ume pulling the blanket over him, instead scolding him lightly to join him in bed. 

In his drunken stupor, also demands that Ume would not be allowed to stand whenever Li was in bed. And although Ume attempts to counter him with just logic, Li begins to tear up--and Ume immediately stops to obey his words. Li falls asleep with his limbs entangled in Ume's. Ume too, hesitantly closes his own eyes. He observes the heat of LI's body with no particular analysis to come out of it. But, the thought crosses his mind that he would rather spend the night in no other way than this. This is his ideal holiday winter with Li. 

Cycle 3:

Aisultan and Elijah reach Aisultan's home mountain village by the time the winter season is at its peak. Aisultan introduces Elijah to his family, and thought Elijah is nervous, they greet him amiably. As is fox spirit culture, Aisultan and Elijah are left mostly to their own devices. Aisultan leads Elijah through all their holiday traditions. Most often (and conveniently) they are midnight festivals and meals. Aisultan turns into a stuttering ball of fluff upon seeing Elijah put on his tribe's furred robes. Elijah laughs, commenting how this is exactly how he felt seeing Aisultan in a formal suit. 

Aisultan and Elijah also do a little gift exchange. Elijah combs through many markets during their travels. He manages to settle upon a handful of little flower trinkets and clips that suited Aisultan's hair. Aisultan is overjoyed and immediately demands Elijah to clip everything into his hair, which he happily agrees to do. 

Aisultan reveals that his gift is more a show of ice. He leads Elijah through a small collage of glowing ice. He creates images of the memories most dear to him and how beautiful they shown. Elijah quickly gives up on holding back tears and cries. 

By the time they return to a private room, Aisultan coyly explains he has one more special gift... and loosens his robes to expose an attractive collarbone. The rest of the night left in a flurry, and Elijah's thirst was thoroughly quenched. 

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