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"I am your Holder."

Amari found his guarded words dismantled immediately by Minato's friendly disposition, who fired comment after comment in rapid succession. The man in the bandana, which he introduced as Jun, stood to the side with an even smile. Amari tilted his head at Jun, unable to distinguish between his purposeful disinterest in Amari or his undisguised enamor with Minato, who was now crouched beside a bubbly young girl.

With chubby fingers, she showed him how to tie the ribbon, to which Minato followed closely.

"Jun," Minato called with a coquettish tilt in his voice, " you live here and yet the foreigner is tying the ribbon before you have."

"Fine. Fine," Jun laughed. "But only because it's tradition."

In seconds, Jun crouched down and the small ribbon was tied into a puffy bow at the end of the cape. The little girl clapped with delight. "You're faster at it than my mommy, mister!"

"Isn't he so skillful," Minato egged on, playing into the excitement of the outer ring of children.

In response, the children piled onto Jun, asking him to show them how to tie flowers and knots onto the cape. Minato stood to the side, catching the soft smile against the stocky contour of Jun's cheeks as he patiently instructed the multiples of hands.

Minato eventually sat beside Amari, chin in his hand and elbow propped against his leg. Jun's voice rang distinctly past the busy conversations all around–it was the kind of voice one could pick out in a crowd with ease. Amari watched a mellow, putty shine melt over Minato's gaze as he attentively jumped from the folded cuffs of Jun's shirt to the swaying of his hair bun, as Jun leaned lower to compliment a boy's ribbon.

"You really like him," Amari said.

"I do. But I feel so strongly that... I can't get any closer, or else this affection will burn out."

Minato's voice quieted, "I don't want this to burn out."

"Then do everything in your power to prevent it from burning out."

Minato stared at him, surprised at Amari's sudden intensity, before he chuckled, "Right. That's a good way to put it."

A white tail flicked around behind Minato before a white snout nudged at his side. Unsurprised, Minato lifted his arm, allowing a fluffy white fox to slip between Minato and Amari.

The fox was like a grown-up version of the little snowball cub from during the rain ceremony. It had leaner, silkier fur—but still a thick coat by its neck and face. Pointed ears swiveled forward as it tramped atop Amari's lap. A tail tickled his chin with what felt like a teasing sway.

"Oh, it must be time. The fox is a companion of mine. Oh, but careful–he tends to be skittish at human touch..."

Minato's words trailed off as the fox rolled onto its stomach in front of Amari, paws pinching his hand against the heavy coat at its chest. It made a happy, squeaking noise, its tail sweeping dust back and forth on the floor.

The fur was sleek and soft as if personally soaped down in the highest quality of conditioner. The fox leaned into the touch before Amari abruptly pulled away and leaned in close, whispering into the twitching fox's ear.

"Good try, Leishan. See if you can really face me eye to eye, next time."

Minato blinked with a head tilt, not catching the words Amari whispered. They must have been words to coddle the fox. Turning from the now frozen fox and Caller, he stood up and patted off droppings of dust and loose string. Now finished with the kids, Jun too stepped over, flashing a handsome smile.

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