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"Can...can people from my world transmigrate too?"

Cedric entered the large mansion. "I'm home."

"Welcome back, young master."

A collective of servants responded in unison. A male servant stepped forward and spoke.

"Mr. and Mrs. Redwood are waiting for you in the dining room."

Cedric gave a small nod, smile, and wave at the servants before walking into the dining room. The servants felt their hearts explode with happiness. They have always worried that the young master could be too uptight and cold hearted towards others. But it seemed like he had greatly calmed down, relieving them all.

What's more, he's even gone so far as to appreciate and compliment servants whenever he saw them! Since then, every servant hoped to spy Cedric in a room they are currently servicing.

The servants pumped themselves up in hopes of seeing their young master's smile again, and quickly dispersed.

Cedric entered the dining room and sat down unfazed.

The two people sitting opposite to him were both on their phones speaking to whomever was involved in their corporations. Cold faces were plastered onto both these people's faces, causing pressure down on anybody nearby.

"Hi mom, hi dad."

Shortly after Cedric's clear voice sounded, two prompt clicks of calls could be heard ending. The parents couldn't help but soften their eyes and smile at him. They always loved their cute little son, but lately his sleepy expression became a constant--only making him look more adorable.

The family happily chatted over a diverse number of topics, before finally cutting off the conversation. "Be ready to head to your grandparents' house tomorrow. Tell the servants if you want to bring anything specifically."

Cedric nodded, "Okay mom."

The husband and wife secretly sobbed. Every summer they would have to go abroad for business, leaving Cedric with his grandparents. They didn't care about maintaining their businesses. They just wanted to spoil their son over the summer!

Cedric's mom's phone started to ring. She quickly answered and mouthed an 'I'm sorry' towards Cedric before briskly walking out of the room. Of course, not before Cedric heard the sound of a pissed off mother echoing through the halls.

"I've got to get going as well, before your mom yells anymore at her phone. Make sure to call us every night Ced."

"Mhm." Cedric was quickly hugged before his dad rushed out the door.

'Hey system. I know I said I would not make you work, but is it possible for you to fake my existence at my grandparents' house?'

[Don't worry, I already had it covered since last month.]

'Oh... Thank you then.'

The System grinned at Cedric. [Anytime.]

'Okay. Now let's head over to the second male lead's house.'


Felix stopped and walked over to his apartment's entrance after hearing the door ring. He opened it to see a green shell the size of a desk lamp on the floor, with a yellow sticky note pasted on it.

Felix picked it up and took off the note.

"Sen," he muttered out loud. As if in response, a small head and legs slowly poked out of the shell. It looked up and quietly stared at him. Felix blankly stared back at the green thing for a long while before bringing it in.

[I thought the second protagonist wasn't going to take you in for a second.]



System 85 followed the two inside and found that Cedric had not once looked away from Felix.

Cedric dazedly spoke to System 85 in his mind.

'Can...can people from my world transmigrate too?'

[It's possible...why?]

'Felix just...he looks like someone I know.'

Cedric stared at Felix intently as he was set down on the counter. Felix had an icy expression, with piercing narrow eyes, high cheekbones, and an outlined jaw. Two moles dotted the underside of his right eye, accentuating the gold flecks in his iris. 'An ice cold beauty,' is how he was described the story summary. It fit him perfectly.

Felix gently tapped Cedric's nose, and with a surprisingly gentle tone ask, "What are you looking at?"

The tortoise sneezed. Although it instinctively retracted neck back, it continued to stare at the youth. A small laugh rung out. The system and host had vastly different reactions.

[Too scary...]

'...Very pretty.'

"Hey." Felix gently tapped the shell.

"There's food right there. Aren't you hungry?"

Cedric looked at the small bowl of vegetables, and looked back at Felix, unmoving.

A small smile graced Felix's face, dazing Cedric further. Felix held the bowl of food in one hand and carefully cradled the turtle in his other before heading towards his bedroom.

Felix placed the turtle and food by his desk and started working on something on his computer.

When he looked away from the computer, he noticed the small reptile was rooted in place, not moving. Felix picked a small corn kernel out of the bowl and held it up to the turtle. He spoke in a soft voice. "It's good. Try it."

Cedric stretched out his neck and gently ate the corn out of Felix's hand. Every time Cedric did so, Felix would softly stroke his shell.

The system choked at the second protagonist's actions. It thought that Felix would treat Cedric as nothing more than an observable pet. How did things end up like this?!

The next few days passed in a harmonious fashion, where Felix spoiled Cedric, and the tortoise would savor the treatment. System 85 quickly got over the second protagonist's bizarreness, and quickly got back into the habit of lounging around.


[Cedric. Cedric!]

A harsh whisper woke the tortoise up. Without moving, the Cedric spoke in his mind. 'What's wrong System?'

[The second male lead! He finally transformed!]

'Mm.' The tortoise was surrounded by fog. When it dispersed, a young man could be seen. He stealthily stretched, letting bones crack and pop.

'How nice...'

Cedric then turned to the bed, squinting in the dark. He could make out small movements on the bed, but certainly no human figure in sight.

'How long will he be like this?'

[He will be in this form for about three weeks, which is when the female lead discovered and nursed him. His first transformation was a few weeks ago, but it only lasted the night.]

'I see.'

Cedric slowly picked up the blanket and set it on the ground. A small arctic fox cub was revealed to be curled up on the bed, shivering. The small kit twisted and turned, letting out small cries that made Cedric's heart jump.

Cedric carefully picked up the fox and sat down, gently cradling the animal in his arms. The pitiful yips and agitated squirming quickly died down as the fox started to sleep peacefully.

'So cute. He's a white fox, just like him. Are they the same person? They look so similar...'

Cedric lied down on the bed, his mind buzzing with speculation. He yawned and let go of the thoughts. For now, sleeping with the fuzzy heater in his arms would be nice...

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