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Jessy looked at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair before spraying the perfume she adored onto her wrist.

In all honestly she had no clue why she asked the young Shelby on what would be considered a date.

"Where are you going looking like that my dear?" Asked her father as he took his hat off.

Jessy felt sick rise at the idea of lying to her dad over some boy, something so childish, "I'm just going to the pub with a friend.", she spoke, quickly placing her long goat over her dress.

Aberama didn't look completely convinced, but let his daughter go anyway if it made her happy, "don't come back too late, do you have your gun?" He asked.

Jessy flashed the gun in the air before putting it back into her purse and leaving the small place they were staying at.

Finn and Jessy were having a much better time than either of them thought they would.

The pair had being laughing for hours as they spoke about anything and everything, Finns arm wrapped around her waist unknowingly.

Finn was on his third Whiskey and Jessy on her third gin and tonic; her eyes dropping slightly and her cheeks a rosy colour.

Finn thought she looked beautiful.

He was not sure why he had so many strong emotions, why he had so many unknown emotions, towards a girl he had not known that long. He just couldn't get the brunette out his head.

However, things began to go badly once his brothers entered the pub, noticing the pair straight away.

Tomas quickly walked over as he took a seat, ordering everyone in the pub to leave.

Finn didn't know what he did wrong, but he was ready to apologise to the moon and back if it mean Tommy wouldn't be disappointed.

The brunette male took a cigarette into his mouth, bowing the smoke up as he held eye contact with Jessy.

"Finn, do you know who that girl is?" Asked Tomas pointing at the said girl.

Finn chuckled as he sat up straight, "Jessy Gold Tom. I'm not stupid."

Arthur, who was also stood close by chuckled, "well you must be fuckin stupid if you're fucking her"

Jessy coughed at the words he chose to use, "we aren't fucking Arthur. We just came for a drink" protested Finn

Jessy turned to him, "it's fine Finn. Your brothers don't like me very much." Chuckled the girl.

"What do you want with my brother?" Roughly asked Tomas, this only making the girl laugh more.

Finn noticed that she acted different around people she wasn't familiar with, more cold and threatening.

Suddenly a gun was pulled, with it being aimed at Jessy, "I don't think that's a wise decision Mr Shelby, my dad will go to war with you." She spoke gently.

Tomas didn't flinch, "what the fuck, do you want with Finn!" He shouted, looking more angry than she could have imagined.

Finn stood up quickly, "Tommy leave it will you, she doesn't want anything from me!" Shouted back Finn.

The blue eyed man suddenly lowered the gun, "you are quite confusing aren't you Miss Gold. First you say you will cut me." Chuckled Tomas, taking off his peaky hat, "now you're having a few drinks with my little brother."

Jessy just sat feeling embarrassed yet excited by the confrontation.

Jessy quickly realized that it was best she left, saying nothing to the two oldest Shelby brothers, while the youngest followed her out.

"Jessy wait!" Shouted Finn, spinning the girl around.

The boy pulled her to the side, out the view of anyone else, "I'm sorry about my brothers." Embarrassingly spoke the boy.

Jessy placed her hands onto his face, the alcohol giving her more confidence to be affectionate.

"It is okay Finn, they're your family. They mean well." This being the response he did not expect.

Although Jessy could be sarcastic and misbehave, she was always understanding and caring. It was a gift from her mother, that's was her father said.

The two stood in silence, still stood in the same position as the only thing being seen was their breathe in the icy cold air.

Finn couldn't help himself, he placed his own hand onto the girls face; placing a gentle kiss onto her lips.

Jessy couldn't help herself either as she kiss him back, his lips were her new addiction. They were soft yet extremely cold from the Birmingham weather.

The kiss soon turned more passionate as the ginger boy placed his hands to her hips, pushing her to lean onto the cold wall.

Once her back had hit the concrete she let out a quiet groan of pain, "sorry" Finn quickly said before kissing her again.

It felt like they only kissed for mere seconds, however it was instead over five minute.

Once pulling away, Jesse ducked her head into the peaky boys neck; chuckling at the actions.

She didn't laugh often, never in her life had she had she felt nervous or confused by a man- let alone a 18 year old teenager.

Finn looked down to her, "what's so funny?" He smiled back, feeling like the best man on Earth.

Jessy shook her head, "nothing you're just so much sweeter than I thought you'd be" she firmly spoke.

Finns blue eyes sparkled in the dark, drawing Jessy to want to never look away, "you can't talk" he laughed, "Tommy told me you spat at his shoes." Laughed the boy.

Jessy threw her hands up in disbelief, "of course I did. He tried to fuck me by winning a coin toss." Groaned the girl.

This information making Finn jealous. The idea of his brother fucking a girl was something he didn't want to know about, but with it being Jessy he felt his jaw clench.

Jessy noticed this, "it's okay. He's not my type, I'm more into gingers." Said the girl as she whispered into his ear before walking away, a hope in her step.

The young peaky boy entered the pub once again, soon earning a smack across the head from Tommy, "keep your fucking hands off her Finn"

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