t h i r t y s e v e n

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The family meeting was boring to say the least- there was only one announcement and that was to invite everyone to Lizzie's birthday.

"Why the fuck have you got ballerinas turning up to it?" Asked Jessy in a mocking tone.

Thomas glared at the woman, "Lizzie likes them." He simply replied.

Jessy just raised her eyebrows at Lizzie as if to silently ask 'do you really?'- but the short haired woman just avoided her gaze.

Dresses littered the floor of Finn and Jessy Shelby's bedroom- Jessy not being able to find the dress she was looking for.

"Finn!" She shouted, "Finn!" She shouted again, becoming more and more frantic.

The man entered the room as he held their child, watching his wife flail herself around like a spider on a hot place as she continued her search.

"What?" He asked, not being able to hide his laughter at the half naked woman.

Jessy stood up, only wearing her silk slip and stockings as she stared at her husband, "do you know where my blue dress is?" She asked.

Finn just nodded, stepping over all the clothing and walking to the bathroom- soon returning with the beautiful blue dress.

Jessy sat at her dresser as she lit a cigarette, "why was it in there?" She questioned.

Finn placed Anna in her crib at the side of the bed before answering, "I had Michael take it to those Chinese tailors that do all our suits." He said.

The woman didn't miss the smirk that plastered itself upon her husbands face, "you can't make him your bitch Finn just because he lost money." She chuckled.

She handed the ginger her cigarette before taking the dress and slipping it on, "oh yes I fuckin' can", he scoffed, standing behind Jess to zip up her dress.

Kissing her cheek he continued, "you do know that he's the reason I've been working so much." He said simply.

Jessy looked at him in the mirror confused, "he lost nearly a million in America love," he explained, "Tommy has us all working extra days so he can make the money back somehow."

Jessy's eyes widened at the new information, "stupid prick is gonna get a foot up his arse when I see him." She muttered- snatching her cigarette back.

Arriving at Tommy and Lizzies home was always so nerve-wracking, Jessy had never felt more judged as she entered the mansion as she held onto Finns arm.

Finn noticed her behavior and guided her towards the alcohol- only regretting it as they ran into Michael and his new wife Gina.

Smiling at her husband reassuringly she walked over confidently to the other married couple, "Hello Gina," she greeted, "I'm Jessy Shelby, Finn's wife."

The woman had never seen such a face before. The blonde's eyes were shallow, dilated, and empty, Jessy soon realizing that that was a characteristic shared between Michael and his wife.

Gina just looked the woman up and down, earning an eye roll and scoff from the brunette, "fucking Americans" she muttered, walking away before she swung at the blonde.

Walking with her husband they settled and stood by a corner, "this might be the day I finally snort snow." She joked to her husband.

The idea of being near anyone in the large room was suffocating and unrealistic in her head, "I'm going to go find Lizzie." She smiled to him.

Finn simply nodded as he went to meet Isaiah- knowing that he would have snow.

Once finding Lizzie, Jessy soon realized the look of stress painted across her face, "what's up love?" She asked as she picked up what might have been her third drink since walking into the home.

Lizzie looked around them before answering, "you know what I did before I married Tommy don't you?" Asked Lizzie.

Jessy choked on her drink, "Lizzie, I don't mean to break it do you but everyone knew up and down the city."

Lizzie just rolled her eyes, "yeah, well so does Mosey." She muttered quietly.

The younger woman's eyes widened, not being able to stop the frown appearing on her face, "he's fucking ugly. God knows why you went near him."

Lizzie didn't reply to the joke the latter made, instead her eyes froze on Mr Mosley as he walked towards the two women with Thomas next to him.

"Oh fuck sake." She said, downing her drink as well as Jess'.

Looking at the woman with annoyance Jessy didn't even acknowledge the beady eyed man, "hello again Mrs Shelby." He softly spoke, staring the young woman down.

Not responding she lit herself a cigarette as her husband approached her, kissing her on the back of her neck and slipping his arm protectively around his waste.

"And who is this?" Asked Mosley to Jessy, "my husband." She stated- more interested in the cigarette than the evil man.

Moshe tutted, shaking his head, "how in the world did you manage to get a woman like her?", her insulted.

Finn didn't know what to say. He knew the woman could get any man she wanted- and he knew she chose him out of all those men.

"The world works in my favour." He simply said, focusing on his wife's perfume to try calm down- tightening his grip on her waist.

Jessy coughed at the annoying older man, feeling Finn tense, "if you say one word out of line towards any of the women here, touch them..or even look at them in a way that makes them uncomfortable," she began, leaning into his ear before whispering, "I'll cut that little dick off and gift it to your wife."

The mans eyes just widened, "and to answer your question," she said, "his dick is incredible." She whispered again- taking the mans drink and downing it before giving it back to him.

Looking to Lizzie she loudly spoke, "have a good night Lizzie, tell your husband next time to not let the shit trod into the house." She muttered

Grabbing her husband she dragged him away, leaving the hall and moving towards the stairs.

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