t h i r t y f i v e

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"What the fuck was wrong with his moustache?" Laughed Jessy to her sister in law.

Ada was telling Jessy all about the strange man she had met, "you'll get to see it, Tommy wants you to be in his office when he is tomorrow."

The married woman choked on her drink, "you are takin the piss aren't you Ada?", said woman just scoffed back- taking another sip of her drink.

Jessy took another drink as well, feeling peaceful, "god I love gin." She laughed, leaning back into her chair.

Ada smirked at her close friend, "that's why you're going to be at the meeting," she sighed, "you drank so much the other night he was to quote 'intrigued'", she explained, feeling sick to her stomach at the man.

Finn held his wife as she stared at herself in the mirror, "do I look nice Finn?", she had never wore such a pretty and fitting dress since Anna was born.

She knew that she looked a little different, gaining weight and dark circles being prominent in her features.

Finn kissed her cheek, "you look beautiful, as always." He complimented, kissing her shoulder.

Jessy just sighed, looking at herself in the mirror, "I hope so." She muttered.

She didn't look bad, she never looked bad- but she had lost the confidence she once had.

Polly, Ada and now Lizzie had all explained that it happens to women after pregnancy, with Polly stating that 'it's normal and okay' and that it will 'all be worth it for your child'.

She still couldn't help her frustration. She wanted to be the same as before- waiting for that was taking too long.

"Come on," he gestured, making his way to her bedroom door, "I'll drive you down to his office."

Jessy smiled at her comforting husband, loving how he always knew what to do.

Jessy tried to open the car door, "be careful love." Finn whispered as he held her hand.

"I will don't worry." She replied, giving him a quick kiss before leaving the car and leaning on the open window- still looking at her husband in the car.

Finn was not always as affectionate as Jessy, she grew into her affection and adoration for the young man who she now called her husband.

However, Finn didn't ever know how to express himself- being the youngest brother to Arthur, Thomas and John having both its advantages and disadvantages.

This only confused the brunette however, Polly would tell her about how Finn used to hang off of Tommy's hip- she told her about how he nearly got blew up but gypsy's as a little kid.

But Finn hardly smiled even when he met Jessy, he grew up but was still considered such an innocent soul.

"I'll meet you back here as quick as I can." She reassured once again- kissing her cheek and walking across the busy road.

Finn just smiled at her, he wanted to express how much he worried for Jessy sometimes- she was different from women he met; she had no fear.

Walking into Thomas' office was something Jessy never thought she's have to see, "oh this is fancy isn't it?" She rhetorically asked to herself.

"I like it."

Turning around she found Thomas, Michael and Arthur walking through the door, "you do look posh!" She teased, "I thought Finn was lying."

Raising his arms to hug the young woman, he only received a punch in the arm, "where the fuck have you been!" She shouted.

Nevertheless, she still hugged him soon after, "piss off." She whispered to Michael who was silently teasing her.

"I do like your office Mr Shelby.", Thomas just sighed at her, "thought it would be bigger though Tom." Muttered Arthur.

Jess couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her mouth, " it will be." He argued.

"Now you sit." He ordered Michael, "you stand by the window." He pointed to Arthur, "and you Jessy Shelby, will stand behind me."

She furrowed her brows, not knowing why he wanted her stood behind him.

Thomas sat down, "right, the man were about to meet is the minister for the Duchy of Lancaster.", This catching the attention of the once bored woman.

"He is also deputy to the Chancellor of the Exchequer- and Cabinet adviser to the Prime Minister of Great Britain."

"Fuck sake" muttered out the woman, lighting a cigarette out of new stress.

The cold eyed man just glared over his shoulder, "you have all met horrible men. But this man is the devil." He simply spoke.

Once the man had walked into the room he had a cocky smile that covered his face, his mustache that Ada was banging on about now making sense.

'He looks like an idiot' thought Jessy.

"I never seem to meet you without your family." The man muttered.

Jessy already couldn't stand him, his voice drowned in its own arrogance, "and you are the newest member to the Shelby family aren't you?"

Scoffing, the woman didn't reply as she walked towards Arthur- she chose to pay more attention to the smoggy sky than the ignorant man.

She knew they would be discussing the man who killed her brother, she couldn't bare the thought of thinking about it anymore.

The conversation the four men were having was pretty boring, only paying attention as she watched Arthur.

However, she was brought back to attention as she heard the breaking of the wood chair- soon realizing it was Arthur's hand doing the breaking.

"My spies tell me she's been with another man." Simply spoke Mr Mosley, Jessy gently placed her hand on his comfortingly.

"Arthur.." warned Thomas, Arthur only carried on.

"Arthur.." Jessy warned as well, trying to have this meeting go as smoothly as it possibly could.

However the wood still snapped off, "his time will come." Muttered out Thomas in Romani.

Mosley just chuckled, "and bingo." He simply spoke.

His voice was able to get under Arthur's skin just as much as it did Jess', he lived to annoy people, "ten minutes in, and I have them speaking their wog lingo."

Jessy just scoffed and the comment, "and you Mrs Shelby particularly love speaking the language don't you?" He asked

She had no idea what he was saying, "one of the nurses told me you kept swearing and shouting in what is it called...Romani? Yes Romani"

Mr Mosley couldn't help but laugh as Jessy felt her hand twitch, wanting nothing more than to throw her knife into the mans chest.

"I also saw your childish behaviour the other day. I thought you Shelby's were respectable." He insulted, "I guess you're all still a bunch of gypsy's in those smelly tents and caravans."

Her blood boiled at the insults he was so simply flowing through his mouth- lifting her hand up she reached into her pocket.

"He's just trying to get under your skin." Roughly spoke Thomas once again in Romani.

Jesus just pulled her hand back out her pocket- storming out the room.

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