t w e n t y

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The lake was freezing, but the cold caused a chill to run down Jess' body- making her feel alive again.

She knew it was irresponsible of her to be in the water while it was winter, but she needed to.

Her eyes were closed as she heard whistling and the crunch of leaves, "aren't you cold love?" Spoke the soft Birmingham voice.

The brunette felt heat rise to her face, "I like it. Makes me feel youthful.", this making Finn laugh.

He sat down next to the lake, taking off his hat, "you are youthful, you're only fucking 21"He scoffed.

The twenty year old smile up at the sky, finding anything that boy said to be perfect.

Getting out of the lake, and sitting next to Finn she smiled up to him, not knowing what to say.

The latter took off his jacket, wrapping it around his fiancé as she shivered in the cold, "will you come home, please."

Finn was silently begging for his fiancé to come home, although they did not live together it felt strange for her to not be at home- with him.

Jess just sighed, nodding slowing. She didn't want to come home, but she loved Finn.

She knew she would miss traveling with her family, learning about her culture.

But she'd trade anything to be with the peaky blinder.

Once arriving at Finns flat, he took Jess to the bathroom, "why don't you get changed, and I'll run you a bath." Finn kissed her cheek as he disappeared to run the bath.

Smiling at the sweet male, she followed him into the bathroom; slowing taking off her clothing.

"Will you get in with me?" She asked, running her hand up her fiancé's arm.

Finn nodded straight away to her question, stripping down as well to get in the bath.

Once they were both sat together, Finn softly rubbed her shoulders, making his way to her stomach.

"We'll try again.", reassured the ginger, feeling nothing but guilt for not being able to take Jess' pain away.

The brunette tensed at the topic, "I know. I just wanted our baby to be okay.", she couldn't help but silently cry.

Finn just rubbed her back soothingly, repeating to her that one day they'll have the family they want.

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