f i f t e e n

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Sounds of paper being moved could be heard,   Jessy opening her eyes to see Ada Shelby sat in front of her, reading a magazine.

"Mornin Ada." She groaned out as she felt pain ripple through her.

The Shelby quickly stoped Jessy from moving anymore, "I need to sit up, I want to smoke." She whispered out.

Ada just gave up, instead helping her to sit up with minimal pain, "you need to be careful for the next couple of weeks." She said

However, the gypsy girl wasn't paying attention as she noticed the expensive, nice hospital room.

Pulling out a match, she lit her cigarette, "who's paying for this then?", she asked

Ada smiled, taking her own cigarette, "Tommy," she chuckled, "he wants to feel better and make it up to Finn for nearly murdering his girlfriend."

The young woman just rolled her eyes, coughing slightly as she laughed, "where is Thomas anyway?"

Before she could answer, said man entered through the door, "oh I like those new glasses Thomas!" She shouted, finally smiling.

The man just chuckled back to her, "how are you feeling, you seem better now that you're awake."

Even though Thomas seemed to care, Jessy could tell he really didn't- just wanting him to leave before she wishes she died.

"So did you get him?" She spoke, taking the blanket off with the help of Ada.

"Luca?, no" Tomas sighed, "he did leave this with you though." He said, pulling out a bullet from his pocket, and threw it to her.

The brunette caught it with her hand, "my name?", she asked as she saw that it was a bullet, with her name carved into it.

"You know what it means Jessy.", whispered out Tommy, feeling bad for getting her involved.

He thought he'd be able to make sure she'd be safe- but now Luca knew she was lying and she had an even bigger target on her back.

Jessy smiled at him sympathetically, "my dad still carves peoples names into bullets." She stoped, her voice becoming strained, and rough, "of course I know what this fucking means!" She shouted.

Standing up, she grabbed ahold of the wall as she threw the bullet across the room in the fit of anger.

Before she met the Shelby's she had never been shot before, now she'd been shot twice.

"Fuck sake Thomas! Where is your brother?" She asked, wincing in pain.

"He's with Isaiah," began Ada, "you were asleep for weeks and this is the first time he's not spent next to you.", she reasoned.

"Ada, get my coat." Jessy ordered, stumping out her cigarette as she chugged the pain medication that sat in a jar on her bedside table.

Finn laughed as he watched Isaiah dance around The Garrison with some random girl.

The night with his best friend being needed after the stress of Jess still being asleep.

However, Finn was utterly confused as he saw his girlfriend stumble through the door- Ada holding her up.

He ran up to the duo, "don't come in here with her Ada, she will have a fuckin heart attack.", he ordered about, dragging them back outside.

Finn looked to his older sister, "go home. Go be with Karl." He spoke, taking his girlfriend out of Ada's arms.

Wrapping his arm around her waist, he looked at Jessy, "come on, I wanna show you something"

Finn had a little jump in his step as he took the brunette a different route home, "where are we going Finny boy?", she chuckled.

The peaky boy had missed the nickname.

"Tommy gave me a gift to say sorry for hurting you.", the gypsy girls rolled her eyes at the mans name being said.

The two suddenly stopped, Jessy realising they are back to where she got shot.

Finn took her hand into his, "see that flat up there?", he asked, pointing to the flat in the corner.

He saw her nodd, "well, it's mine." Finn proudly spoke.

Jessy was happy for her boyfriend, Tommy said he took responsibility when Jessy was in the hospital- becoming more of a man.

The man opened the flat door with a key, switching on a light- they both entered.

Jessy looked around at the cute flat, "it could use some work." She joked, slowing sitting at the little table.

Finn teasingly rolled his eyes at her, "I know I know", he began, "there is two bedrooms and a bathroom back there."

Jessy could feel the happiness radiating from the ginger, loving him being so happy, "well, why don't I make us tea, and you can show me your new fancy flat."

At this suggestion, Jessy swears she could hear Finn giggle.

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