t h i r t y s i x

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Anna was giggling lightly as Arthur tickled her stomach, he adored the laughter of the baby.

Jessy often found the man sitting or playing with her child- Arthur explained that the boat (his head), would stop rocking when he heard her laugh.

However Finn was not the biggest fan, "when is he going to leave- he's been here all morning." Be groaned out.

Jessy just chuckled at the comment as she rolled back over in the bed to face him, she had heard Arthur come in at around six this morning.

"Leave him to it." She ordered, smiling at her husband as he laid facing her, "Linda had gone mad and won't let him see the baby."

Finn just sighed in understanding. Although he wasn't the most affectionate, he wouldn't know what he'd do if his wife took Anna away.

The ginger was snapped out of his thoughts as Jessy smacked him lightly on his bare arm, "c'mon lazy, I need to feed Anna and you need to get to work."

Walking through Small Health was something Jessy had missed, she walked with a smile that would be considered fake at our large it was.

She loved the city more and everyday, her black heels were trodding on the mud and gravel- the wind had picked up as well leaving her cold as she walked faster.

She didn't know were she was going, but she knew none of the Shelby's were in the betting den- deciding to go to The Garrison.

"Good morning Mrs Shelby.", Spoke a woman as she passed by, she looked so happy to say hello to the brunette.

The whole of Birmingham knew of the young gypsy who had married the young Shelby- some women would greet her with respect; others would greet her with jealousy.

Entering the pub was the best feeling she could have, "oh I've missed you so much." She muttered to herself.

She had spent so much time in London that she forgot what the pub looked like, she had forgotten the smell of sweat and cigarettes that often lingered in the air during the morning and midday hours.

"Can I have a gin and tonic please love?" She asked the woman behind the bar, "I'll be in the snug." She carried on.

Jessy didn't wait for a reply as she walked through the doors to be greeted with none other than her father and Johnny Dogs.

She looked at them confused, "why are you here dad?" She asked.

"Family meeting love, Finn didn't tell you?", he asked only receiving a shrug from Jessy.

She however was still confused as to why she didn't know about the family meeting, "why are you here then?" She scoffed at her dad.

She knew he loved Polly, but he was not family by marriage nor blood, "well Thomas wanted me here."

With that she just sighed again, making her way back out of the snug, seeing Finn enter with his family.

Finn could feel the glare from his wife. He had simply forgot to mention the family meeting to her due to the stress he was under- Thomas was expecting a lot more from the young Shelby.

Thomas had told him he was important to the Shelby Company Limited- he said he was 'a general and not a soldier'

Finn didn't understand, but nevertheless he would do anything for his family-especially Tommy.

"Shall we begin then."


Hi everyone! Thank you so much for the support on this book it means the work to me so thank you all.

I will be going through and editing all chapters before continuing- soon there will be a lack of chapters till the new season comes out, I hope you all can understand.

Thank you again for reading this far. 

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