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"So he's mental?"


Jessy laughed at Charlie, him, Jessy as well as Arthur and Tommy stood observing the man who recently came out of the 'mental institution'

"What's his name again?" She asked Charlie as the unknown man picked up the gun, "Barney- he was in France with the boys." He explained.

The lack of mental stability making sense to her instantly.

The four watched Barney as his shaking dirty hands loaded the weapon, "can you actually do this?" She asked.

Barney just looked at her then to Thomas, "of course he can." He simply said, licking his lips as the cold hair hit them.

Soon enough Barney took aim and shot the gun, the young woman soon realizing the clean shot, "see you didn't need the medication." Softly spoke Tommy, "just another fuckin' war 'ey."

Jessy could help but feel slightly happy at the smile that appeared on the damaged man, noticing that much like her husband he wasn't used to being told he did something good.

"I guess you can." She simply muttered.

Soon it was Jessy and Thomas left stood by the cut- just standing in silence, "it's it strange?" She asked herself, chuckling.

Thomas looked at her, "what?" He asked, his voice rumbling in his chest.

Turning to the man she smiled, "three years ago we hate each other.", she laughed.

Thomas just raised his brow, "I thought you still did love."

The woman just smiled, "are you okay Tom?" She asked, the question making the man look to the mud.

It was such a simple yet complex question, Thomas didn't know if he was okay- no one knew if he was okay.

"I don't know, I just let it come and go now- no one fuckin' listens to me anymore Jessy." He sighed.

Said woman couldn't help but feel bad for the older man. He had the world, his family in his hands and one wrong move and it was gone.

Standing closer she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "you need to get off that shit," she ordered, referring to the opium.

Tommy couldn't help but scoff lightly, rolling his eyes, "is that what you say to Finn, his eyes are so wide I'm surprise they haven't fell out is bloody head."

Jessy was now the one to roll her eyes, "I've given up trying to get him to listen- that's stupid Billy fuckin' boy, and Isaiah just keep encouraging it." 

Thomas felt bad as well, he saw how much she loved his brother- her eyes  always held a smile when Finn was with her.

"I'll be alright love, it will." He whispered, surprising the woman as he pulled her into a shockingly comforting hug.
Polly and Jessy sat together as they waited for the time to come, "what time is the event again?" 

Looking up at the young woman Polly sighed, "in an hour love, we'll meet Ada at here- she's getting a car down from London." She answered.

Jess just nodded in understanding, silently praying that, "he'll be okay you know."

Polly couldn't bare what she was bringing up, she no only feared for Aberama's life- but now her own sons as he was hell bent on betraying the whole family.

Taking out a cigarette, the younger woman offered the older one before continuing, "he just wants to prove himself- loosing all that money in American hurt him as much as the company."

Polly just nodded- taking in a large inhale of her cigarette,  "I hope it's just that, I really fuckin' do."

And with that the two women fell into silence as they waited in the dimly lit room, the telephone sat close- waiting for a call as well as Ada. 

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