t h i r t y o n e

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Screams could be heard from the hallways of the hospital and Jessy screamed in pain due to her baby pushing it's way out at 8 months.

"Move out the fucking way!" She shouted at her husband.

Finn had gotten Arthur to lend him the car so he could take Jessy to the hospital, leaving Arthur the duty of telling the family.

Finn looked around stressfully, wondering where is family is, "I swear if Arthur managed to mess up some fuckin phone calls" he complained, feeling the sweat on his palms.

The couple were happy, they loved each other but neither we parents, meaning neither knew what to do in the situation.

Suddenly rushed foots steps of heals could be heard round the corner.

Polly, Ada and Lizzie walked as fast as they could to the woman in pain; even Linda turned up.

Grabbing Polly's hand Jessy groaned, "what's mother Teresa here for?" She asked, earning a groan from Arthur.

Polly squeezed her hand, trying her best to comfort the woman, "she made the calls love,", spoke Polly, hating the look Jess gave her.

"Don't blame me!" Shouted Linda, "Arthur is pissed, he couldn't even find the bloody phone."

Jessy just ignored Linda, more focused on the pain, "I need a doctor, I'm worried Polly they're early." She cried.

Finn hugged his wife gently, he knew how scared she was for this pregnancy- Arthur and Johnny dogs have been messing with him for weeks for his comforting behavior towards his wife.

They called him whipped, said he was just her helper.

"Go get a doctor Linda." Ordered Ada, glaring at the blonde woman.

"Wait!" Shouted Jessy, stopping Linda from going, "Find Tommy and Michael as well, oh and Arthur go with her." She added.

The Shelby's looked confused as to why she wanted all of the men there- men were meant to go the pub and wait.

The pregnant woman just rolled her eyes, "I want everyone here Finn, they're our family." She whispered.

"And I hope the walk through Small Heath will sober Arthur up.", she snapped, earning a look from said man.

The brunette was suddenly exhausted from it all, placing her head onto Finns shoulder as she felt dizzy.

Even though Jessy was pregnant for 8 months before she felt contractions, she had still been working every day she could.

Thomas had told her, as well as Finn and Polly to go home and stay off work, but she always refused.

She couldn't bare the thought of sitting around all day like a useless housewife, she was an independent woman before her pregnancy and marriage- she wouldn't let her knew family she was beginning change that.

She needed this time to rest, she had no other chance.

It was ruined however when she felt another contraction, "Finn!" She shouted, squeezing Polly's hand, which she was still holding.

Jessy's screams had became louder, as had her swearing in Romani, "what did she just say?" Asked Linda.

The blonde woman had been shouting her head off since the brunette started pushing- quoting from the Bible by Linda had been going on for an hour at this point.

"Get her out!" She shouted again, this causing Finn to push the woman out, "she said shut the fuck up." He muttered to himself.

Linda scoffed, "so he can't read but he can speak gypsy.", Finn snarled the woman at her comment.

"Just piss off Linda, go read a magazine or something." He barked, slamming the door in her face.

"One more love. I promise!"Shouted Ada, getting excited.

The brunette did one more, and just like Ada promised she pushed no more, her baby had been born.

She felt pure happiness, her chest filling with joy where she heard the loud cries of her newborn, "you have a daughter Mr and Mrs Shelby.", happily spoke the nurse.

The baby was placed into Jessy's arms as Finn, Ada and Polly stood around the bed-watching the baby in awe.

"What do you want to name her love?" Asked her husband.

Jessy sat for a minute, realizing she never thought of names, "can we can her Anna, after Poll's daughter?" She asked.

Polly lightly chuckled, a tear running down her face as her smile only grew, "such a sweet name for a precious baby girl." Spoke Polly.

The four Shelby's stood together, feeling content as the baby slept in Finns arm- all being happy for the couple.

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