t h i r t y n i n e

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Laying in bed together was something Finn and Jessy had both taken for granted in their relationship.

Neither of the two rarely had anytime to lay in bed together past seven in the morning- one if not both usually having to get Ana, then eventually leave for work.

But today was a day all of those things they took for granted could be appreciated- Polly and Aberama had taken Ana the night before I and wouldn't be bringing the child back till midnight.

Finn rolled over to find his wife still sleeping peacefully- the two had spent the night drinking and playing card games together.

People would often ask how they even managed to be a couple, stating that they 'act too much like friends, or siblings', is one of the phrases women like Linda would often use to describe the young couple marriage.

But that's how they managed to work so well in the first place- they both knew they were young, both of the young adults knew that people would always criticize the relationship and it's validity.

"You are staring at me Finn Shelby." Muttered out the young woman, "I can't help it Jessy Shelby." He teased, earning a soft kick in the leg from his wife.

The only sounds were the couples breathing, there were no birds chirping outside- instead bird sounds were replaced by the sounds of laughing children.

"Do we need to get up yet?" Asked Jess, rolling over to lay on her husband who just sighed in comfort.

"Definitely not." He smiled, leaning up to kiss his wife.

The kiss was soft, both still sleepy as they continued the kiss as it became more passionate, "Finn."

The simple whisper of his name leaving Jessy's lips was enough for said man to understand.

He flipped the two over, smiling down to his beautiful wife as she laughed.  The young Shelby leant down as he placed soft kissed to Jess' neck, knowing where to kiss to get the reaction he wanted.

Lifting her hips for friction, the brunette sighed, "please." She whispered into the gingers ear. The man smiled once again, lifting the silk slip he bought for his wife off of her body, "be patient." He mumbled into her skin.

It was a strange dynamic that the two had when having sex. On one hand Jess knew she had more experience than Finn, thinking that she'd need to take the lead in more situations.

She often did that when the pair were face with confrontation in social situations, not being able to control anything she said.

But unlike their social lives, when it came to sex Finn always took the lead- Finn always took control of the situation.

The frustrated woman just groaned, knowing he was only doing this to tease her, "stop being such a child" she joked, chuckling lightly.

Her chuckling was soon replaced with a moan as her husband nipped at the crook of her neck; this making her back arch into him.

Slipping his own pants off Finns sighed as he felt slight relief. "Please Finn." She begged again.

Before she knew it her begging was listened  to as he pushed into his wife, Finn sighing in comfort as Jessy gasped- her back arching once again.

Finn rested his head in the crook of Jess' neck, waiting for her permission to move, "you okay?" He asked smirking at his wife.

Soon enough the the brunettes fingers with the in ginger males her, tugging as a sign for him to move.

So he did, allowing but surely he began to move fast and faster- swear beginning to build upon both their body's as the bed frame creaked and smacked against the wall.

"Finn!" She cried out, wrapping her legs around the man who was able to make her feel things no one else has before.

Even though the duo had been having sex for awhile now each time was always better than the last.

Jess could feel her legs shake as her climax for closer and closer- both knowing that it was coming soon.

Grasping her husband's thin yet muscular arms, and throwing her head back into the pillow the woman cried out- feeling nothing but euphoria.

Finn soon followed as he buried his head into the crook of her neck once again- allowing for his own moans to leave his lips as he reached his climax.

The two had managed to fall asleep once again- only waking up when the telephone rang.

Reaching over, Jesus snatched it and placed it to her ears, "what" she mumbled out, looking over her shoulder to see if her husband was still sleeping.

"Jessy it's Thomas." Spoke the man on the other end of the line.

Jesus put the phone down straight away, not wanting to hear anymore of the nonsense the older Shelby spoke.

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